after metrader update my code didn't work



i need some help  because after metrader update  5.00 build 966 my code didn't work 

the code used to sum the volumes of all candles in a specific range

int V=V+ Volume[i];
      ObjectCreate("Volume", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
      ObjectSetText("Volume",DoubleToStr(V,0) ,14, "Arial", Magenta);
      ObjectSet("Volume", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 20);
      ObjectSet("Volume", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, 270);
      ObjectSet("Volume", OBJPROP_CORNER, 1);

  the rest of my code is

int start()

  double a=ObjectGet(LineName,OBJPROP_TIME1);
  double b=ObjectGet(LineName,OBJPROP_TIME2);

     int shif=iBarShift(Symbol(),0,StartTime,false);
     int shif2=iBarShift(Symbol(),0,EndTime,false);

    for(int i=shif2;i<=(shif);i++)

int V=V+ Volume[i];
      ObjectCreate("Volume", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
      ObjectSetText("Volume",DoubleToStr(V,0) ,14, "Arial", Magenta);
      ObjectSet("Volume", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 20);
      ObjectSet("Volume", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, 270);
      ObjectSet("Volume", OBJPROP_CORNER, 1);

 the code was working very will

but after the update of metatrader  the  compiler (meteditor) tell me that

('V' - undeclared identifier )

any help is appreciated  

abdI: ('V' - undeclared identifier )
for(int i=shif2;i<=(shif);i++)
   int V=V+ Volume[i];
  1. V doesn't exist until after the semicolon, so using it in the declaration is undeclared.
  2. Variables are no longer initialized to zero by default.
Don't do either.
int V=0;
for(int i=shif2;i<=(shif);i++)
   V += Volume[i];
int V=V+ Volume[i];

My Daughter is 5 cm taller this Birthday than she was last Birthday

How tall is she this Birthday? 

Can you answer that? No, of course you can't.


Last Birthday my Daughter was 100 cm tall 

My Daughter is 5 cm taller this Birthday than she was last Birthday

How tall is she this Birthday?

Can you answer that? Yes you can. 



 thanks WHRoeder 

i will tray ....thanks again.



My Daughter is 5 cm taller this Birthday than she was last Birthday

How tall is she this Birthday? 

Can you answer that? No, of course you can't.


Last Birthday my Daughter was 100 cm tall 

My Daughter is 5 cm taller this Birthday than she was last Birthday

How tall is she this Birthday?

Can you answer that? Yes you can. 




thanks  GumRai:  

this part of my code   (int V=V+ Volume[i];) was given to me by a friend because am not a programmer and  until now am still learning and my background in mql4 don't allow me to fix this problem am asking......^_^  

thanks for ur replay..... 





abdI: am not a programmer

thanks for ur replay.....

  1. learn to code otherwise there is no common language for us to communicate.
  2. Please don't write ur - it's "you are" or "your" - MQL4 forum