problem with my EA



  I made an EA wich should display a THUMB_UP for each tick at the following coordinates : Time[0] and Kijun_value. Here it is :

double Tenkan_value = iIchimoku(NULL, 0,9,26,52, MODE_TENKANSEN, 1);
double Kijun_value = iIchimoku(NULL,0,9,26,52, MODE_KIJUNSEN, 1);
double Chinkou_value =iIchimoku(NULL,0,9,26,52, MODE_CHINKOUSPAN, 26);
double senkouA=iIchimoku(NULL,0,9,26,52,3,1);
double senkouB=iIchimoku(NULL,0,9,26,52,4,1);

int count=0;

int OnInit()

void OnDeinit(const int reason)

int start()

  ObjectCreate(NULL,"fleche"+(string)count, OBJ_ARROW_THUMB_UP,NULL,Time[0], Kijun_value);
  count ++;
  return 0;


The problem is that the THUMBS are displayed at Time[0] but alwats at the same ordinate, as you can see on the following picture.

Thank you


Didn't you learn from your previous topic ?
double Tenkan_value = iIchimoku(NULL, 0,9,26,52, MODE_TENKANSEN, 1);
double Kijun_value = iIchimoku(NULL,0,9,26,52, MODE_KIJUNSEN, 1);
double Chinkou_value =iIchimoku(NULL,0,9,26,52, MODE_CHINKOUSPAN, 26);
double senkouA=iIchimoku(NULL,0,9,26,52,3,1);
double senkouB=iIchimoku(NULL,0,9,26,52,4,1);
This should be in start() and you should also be updating only on new bars or you create a new object every tick
Didn't you learn from your previous topic ?

I thought that this seemed familiar
Yes indeed my bad... thank you anyway :-)