Custom indicator color


Hi all,

i need to capture with code a custom indicator color after it has been changed manually from interface (see attached image)

Is it possible ?



(see attached image)

there is no image 

Is it possible ?

in this century everything is possible


true...everything is possible in absolute world, but in relative no :)

now the image...sorry...

seem doesn't attach's the palette screen to change color in a custom indicator.


true...everything is possible in absolute world, but in relative no :)

now the image...sorry...

seem doesn't attach's the palette screen to change color in a custom indicator.

To attach an image . . . 


From what I remember what you are trying to do is not possible . . . things may have changed for mql4.5 though.


Hi all,

i need to capture with code a custom indicator color after it has been changed manually from interface (see attached image)

Is it possible ?


You can only do that from within the indicator. Not directly from an EA or other code.


Not directly from an EA or other code.

what about iCustom ?

what about iCustom ?
For a color ?


to retrieve the main code who makes the color !!! 



to retrieve the main code who makes the color !!! 

Sorry, I don't understand what you mean. From what I understand the OP want to catch by code when an indicator's color is changed, iCustom can't help in this case.

it's right Raptor and Ange...i think is not possible in MQL4.

qjol...i'm searching to intercept color from palette mask on manual iCustom, obviously, i know my initial parameter (with #Property indicator_color(n)).

Thanks guys.


it's right Raptor and Ange...i think is not possible in MQL4.

qjol...i'm searching to intercept color from palette mask on manual iCustom, obviously, i know my initial parameter (with #Property indicator_color(n)).

Thanks guys.

In case the indicator code is available, you may add broadcasting a custom event to all charts after you detected colour change.