Converting seconds to date and time?

I'm wanting to understand how to change seconds into date and time?

Short_Trade_Send = OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELL,LotSize_Sell,Bid,3,Short_Stop_Price,stp1,NULL,MagicNumber,0,Green);
if( Short_Trade_Send > 0 )TradeOpenTime = GlobalVariableSet(" Open Time ", OrderOpenTime());
double Get_Open_Time = GlobalVariableGet(" Open Time ");
datetime OpenTime_Format = StrToTime( " Open Time " );
string OpenTime_Format1 = TimeToStr(OpenTime_Format, TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES);

"Get_Open_Time" is simply storing the open position time (incase platform has crashed and reboots it remembers).

When I am printing this all it shows is:

2014.08.05 15:24:02.312 2009.01.28 20:07  Quant Research EURUSD,H1: OpenTime_Format1  = 2009.01.28 00:00

 Any help on where I am being an idiot :) 

I don't understand why the hours and minutes are not populating? Is it something to do with tester mode?
DomGilberto: I don't understand why the hours and minutes are not populating? Is it something to do with tester mode?
Short_Trade_Send = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, LotSize_Sell, Bid, 3, Short_Stop_Price, stp1, NULL, MagicNumber, 0, Green);
if( Short_Trade_Send > 0 ) TradeOpenTime = GlobalVariableSet(" Open Time ", OrderOpenTime());
  1. It has nothing to do with "tester mode."
  2. It has to do with NOT selecting the order before calling OOT()
I'm wanting to understand how to change seconds into date and time?
. . .

Any help on where I am being an idiot :) 

  1. Short_Trade_Send = OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELL,LotSize_Sell,Bid,3,Short_Stop_Price,stp1,NULL,MagicNumber,0,Green);
    if( Short_Trade_Send > 0 )TradeOpenTime = GlobalVariableSet(" Open Time ", OrderOpenTime());
    You must use OrderSelect() before attempting to use OrderOpenTime().
  2. datetime OpenTime_Format = StrToTime( " Open Time " );
    Why are you doing this?  You are converting the string "  Open Time  " to Time.  I don't think that is what you meant/want to do.



Damn it I knew that! God that annoys me! I think I had been looking at it too much today tbh. Thanks for pointing that out!

I don't even know why I am doing it this way anyway for what I am trying to achieve!


Just quickly playing around with it now, this is what I am trying to do! V 

//|Select Open Trade to work on                                      |
void Manage_OpenTrade()

bool Time_Close;

int PositionIndex; 
int TotalNumberOfOrders;  
TotalNumberOfOrders  = OrdersTotal();

for(PositionIndex = TotalNumberOfOrders - 1; PositionIndex >= 0 ; PositionIndex --) 
   if( ! OrderSelect(PositionIndex, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES) ) continue;
     if( OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber )   
      if ( OrderSymbol() == Symbol() )       
           if( OrderOpenTime() == iTime(NULL,Quant_TimeFrame, 2)  && OrderType()== OP_BUY )
            Time_Close = OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(), Bid, 5, clrRed);
            if( Time_Close )Print("Buy position closed due to one hour limit");
           if( OrderOpenTime() == iTime(NULL,Quant_TimeFrame, 2) && OrderType()== OP_SELL )
            Time_Close = OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(), Ask, 5, clrRed);
            if( Time_Close )Print("Sell position closed due to one hour limit");


 I am wanting to close the open position BEFORE the NEXT immediate 1 hour bar opens (i.e. 1 second before it opens is the deadline). The trade will either hit it's profit target or close based upon a 1 hour limit from the time it OrderOpenTime().

 I know I am doing something wrong here. Are you able to shed some light?





if( OrderOpenTime() == ( iTime(NULL,Quant_TimeFrame, 2) - 1 ) && OrderType()== OP_BUY )
It is extremely unlikely that the OrderOpenTime will exactly equal the open time of a bar minus 1 second
Yea you're right! I realised that due to the fact that ticks come in intermittently, it's not a fair test in an "if" statement. Thanks for your comment!