EA based on open and close of the same candle(30 mins) ? is it possible ?



This will be my first post, and I have to admit I have no understanding of programing, sorry I apologize if this should be known information,

Lets jump right in.

EA basis's trades on the open of a candle, and then closes the trade on the close of the same candle, 

The idea is to determine only the win/lose ratio, based on the open and close of a candle or said differently a close from the previous candle to the close of the current candle or the opening of the previous candle  to the opening of the current candle ?

I trade binary options and the idea is to find a code that is able to give signals as well as optimize other coding to fit the right parameters for trading binary options in 30 minute timeframes. In my example above this would be for trading 30 minute candles.

Also have the ability to determine the amount of consecutive losing trades in a row as well as determining the amount of consecutive winning trades in a row. I dont care about PIPS, its all about the win/lose ratio

COGSx86: This will be my first post, and I have to admit I have no understanding of programing, s
learn to code it, or pay someone. We're not going to code it FOR you. We are willing to HELP you when you post your attempt (using SRC) and the nature of your problem.
I dont expect anything for free, I was just asking a question

I was just asking if it could be done ?

, I dont know where, it came across I wouldnt pay I was just asking a question on a forum ?

But I would assume considering you are the one who answered you have the knowledge to be able to code a EA, which is based on a single candle ?

I dont expect anything for free, but I guess i thought it would be good to get the right info before ...

I dont care about PIPS, its all about the win/lose ratio

  1. Of course, anything can be done. You must define it concretely. "determine only the win/lose ratio, based on the open and close of a candle" is nebulous. How, specifically, you must define.
  2. I just stated your options: learn to code it, or pay someone.
  3. If I wasn't coding my own.
  4. Info is fine but you need to have a much more defined idea before it can be coded.
  5. W/L by itself is meaningless. A one pip TP/33 pip SL has a W/L of 99% and it is a looser. RRR by itself is meaningless. A roulette wheel has a 35:1 RRR but a 35/38 W/L and is a looser. Only expectancy is useful
    double   riskAve     = pipLotsLost / lotsLost,
             rewardAve   = pipLotsWon  / lotsWon;
    history_rrr          = rewardAve / riskAve;
    double   accuracy    = nWon / Double(history_nTrades),
             expectancy  = (1. + history_rrr) * accuracy - 1;