How to calculate degree? | Angles are are a measure of X/Y, same units, therefor a dimensionless value ,(which is what Tan(x) gives you.) Angle on a chart is meaningless. We have price vs time. What is the angle of going 5 miles in 10 minutes? Meaningless! You can only calculate a slope on a chart. |
How to calculate degree? |
Angles are are a measure of X/Y, same units, therefor a dimensionless value ,(which is what Tan(x) gives you.) Angle on a chart is meaningless. We have price vs time. What is the angle of going 5 miles in 10 minutes? Meaningless! You can only calculate a slope on a chart. |
SDC: Not true. You can calculate the angle of inclination of any line that can be represented by x,y co-ordinates regardless of the units of measurement.
| No, you can not. ArcTan takes a dimensionless number. The units mater. Now answer the question "What is the angle of going 5 miles in 10 minutes?" Meaningless! Answer the question, what is the angle of climbing 10 stories in 5 minutes. Meaningless! No, you can not. Draw a line on your chart. Guestimate the angle. Now change the vertical scale. Is the angle the same? Absolutely not. Meaningless! |
You are denying what is right in front of your face. If you cannot create a corrolation between two different units of measurement, how can you create a forex chart using time and price ? How can you write code to draw indicator lines on such meaningless values ?
When you calculate the angle you are not saying what is the angle of going 5 miles in 10 minutes, you are saying what is the angle of the line on the chart you have created, reletive to its x axis.
The math can be applied to any two sets of values that you wish to corrolate on a chart, regardless of their units of measurement. I did not invent the math it is established and proven.
Of course the angle changes if you mess with the scale. Calculate the angle from a point 10 feet down your yard to the apex of your house. Now change that to 10 meters down your yard. Is it impossible to calculate an angle from a point in your yard to the apex of your house, just because it is possible to change the scale ? What happens when you change the scale on your forex chart from 1hr to 4hr, the whole chart is different, does that make it meaningless ?
From Wikipedia:
The slope of a line in the plane containing the x and y axes is generally represented by the letter m, and is defined as the change in the y coordinate divided by the corresponding change in the x coordinate, between two distinct points on the line.
The angle θ between -90° and 90° that a line makes with the x-axis is related to the slope m as follows:
(the inverse function of tangent).
For example, consider a line running through the points (2,8) and (3,20). This line has a slope, m, of
The angle θ between -90° and 90° that this line makes with the x axis is
You are still wrong . . . and angle is specified in units of arc, be it degree or radians . . . or anything else . . . but it does not specify the units of the measurements of the 2 lines that make the angle. So given an angle we have to assume that the units of the 2 lines is the same, we have no information to do otherwise.
You think you proved me wrong because you asked a trick question on that other thread ? That is how the flat earth society make their case.
I guess I am going to have to write a script to prove this, I'll post it later.
OK Place a trendline on a chart. Name it "trend1" then run this script. You can move the line, zoom the chart etc then run it again. You will see I am not wrong.
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Angle.mq4 | //| Copyright 2014, SDC. | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| This script requires a trendline be already placed on the chart. | //| the trendline should be named "trend1" | //| Run the script and it will find the angle of that trendline | //| reletive to the x axis of the chart. | //| To verify if the calculation is accurate, it will attempt to | //| place text at the same angle as the line. | //| I used a trendline for convenience, the same code can be applied | //| to any kind of a line with price time co-ordinates. | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property copyright "Copyright 2014, SDC." #property version "1.00" #property strict input string name = "trend1"; //Name of the Trendline //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Script program start function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void OnStart() { //--- int x1=0,x2=0; int y1=0,y2=0; long chart = ChartGetInteger(0,CHART_HEIGHT_IN_PIXELS,0); long t1=ObjectGetInteger(0,name,OBJPROP_TIME,0); double p1=ObjectGetDouble(0,name,OBJPROP_PRICE,0); long t2=ObjectGetInteger(0,name,OBJPROP_TIME,1); double p2=ObjectGetDouble(0,name,OBJPROP_PRICE,1); ChartTimePriceToXY(0,0,t1,p1,x1,y1); ChartTimePriceToXY(0,0,t2,p2,x2,y2); int size = (int)chart; y1=size-y1; y2=size-y2; double angle =(MathArctan(((double)y2-(double)y1)/((double)x2-(double)x1))*180)/M_PI; string textangle = DoubleToStr(angle,1); string text = StringConcatenate("The Angle of This Line is ",textangle,"°"); ObjectCreate(0,"sometext",OBJ_TEXT,0,0,0); ObjectSet("sometext",OBJPROP_TIME1,t1); ObjectSet("sometext",OBJPROP_PRICE1,p1); ObjectSetInteger(0,"sometext",OBJPROP_ANCHOR,ANCHOR_LEFT_LOWER); ObjectSetString(0,"sometext",OBJPROP_TEXT,text); ObjectSetDouble(0,"sometext",OBJPROP_ANGLE,angle); ObjectSet("sometext",OBJPROP_COLOR,clrAqua); ObjectSet("sometext",OBJPROP_FONTSIZE,18); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+

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If tan(X) = 20.
What function use to find X ?
Thank you