What function use for convert double data type to integer data type?

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sorasit46: What function use for convert double data type to integer data type?
rod178: https://docs.mql4.com/math/mathround 
  1. A cast
    double d;
    int    i = int(d); // or i = (int)d;
  2. MathRound or the others do NOT convert double to integer. They change the double value to the double equivalent of an integer, but you still have a double.
sorasit46: What function use for convert double data type to integer data type?
rod178: https://docs.mql4.com/math/mathround 
  1. A cast
  2. MathRound or the others do NOT convert double to integer. They change the double value to the double equivalent of an integer, but you still have a double.

Thank you