Build 646: problems with debugging - page 2


Thank you !

IMHO this bug could be related to following Windows Updates (Win7 x64 system) that either broke dependencies or the way debugger attaches to and examines the memory of the process

KB2952664 (Update for Windows 7 for x64 - based Systems)

KB2964358 (Security Update for Internet Exlorer 11 for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems)

If it is due to a Windows Update it must be an update common to all versions. I tested it on my Windows Vista laptop with the same result you had.

Unfortunately do not have the resources to spend more time on the issue. The only common recent update shipped was related to IE fix.


Here is the reply from the service desk:

Support Team 2014.05.06 09:22

Thank you for your message. Fixed. Please wait for updates.

To resolve this issue in the current build you can add following code before OnStart function

class CFix { } ExtFix;

Here is the reply from the service desk:

Support Team 2014.05.06 09:22

Thank you for your message. Fixed. Please wait for updates.

To resolve this issue in the current build you can add following code before OnStart function

thank !

very impressive !

thank you !

//--->Added per helpdesk instruction
class CFix { } ExtFix;

void OnStart()
   bool     bResponse=false;
   double   dDouble=99;
   dDouble=dDouble*dDouble;   //set breakpoint here 
   //add both variables to the watch Window - they are now evaluated correctly 

   dDouble=MathSqrt(dDouble); //step-to here and examine bResponse and dDouble
   //both expressions are evaluated correctly in the Watch window

Here is the reply from the service desk:

Support Team 2014.05.06 09:22

Thank you for your message. Fixed. Please wait for updates.

To resolve this issue in the current build you can add following code before OnStart function
Thanks SDC, you helped me to resolve a big problem.
Thanks SDC, you helped me to resolve a big problem.
You're welcome, although all I did was post the bug report lol.