24 mt4 platforms running portable



Since monday i've been running a total of 24 mt4 platforms in the portable mode,

cause i want my platforms to look for their files in the installation map and not @ the metaquotes folder on the C drive.

But since a few days all the platforms randomly freeze for some time..

I've been checking with a hardware technician if I had to add more robuust hardware solutions to turn all those platforms simultaneously,

but this wasn't the problem..

So now I am asking myself if the problem isn't that portable mode ...? Do you guys have any suggestions which could cause my platforms to freeze/ block ..?



Since monday i've been running a total of 24 mt4 platforms in the portable mode,

cause i want my platforms to look for their files in the installation map and not @ the metaquotes folder on the C drive.

But since a few days all the platforms randomly freeze for some time..

I've been checking with a hardware technician if I had to add more robuust hardware solutions to turn all those platforms simultaneously,

but this wasn't the problem..

So now I am asking myself if the problem isn't that portable mode ...? Do you guys have any suggestions which could cause my platforms to freeze/ block ..?

Which build are you using ? Has there been an update ?
I am using build 625 .. there wasn't an update from metaquotes
I am using build 625 .. there wasn't an update from metaquotes
Ok. I don't think portable mode can be the issue. You probably have to check your code, what is running on these platforms ? Indicators, EAs ?

Yes 1 indicator and 30 EA's on 15 tradefort platforms,... 4 ic markets platforms 2 roboofx and 2 armada markets platforms,

but only the tradefort platforms are freezing,... could it be because I have too much from the same platforms running ..?

wouterv: Since monday i've been running a total of 24 mt4 platforms in the portable mode,
15 tradefort platforms,... 4 ic markets platforms 2 roboofx and 2 armada markets platforms,
  1. How big is your max bars on chart? That (times number of charts) determines how much RAM each is going to be using.
  2. Why run multiple terminals (per broker?) Three processing 3 ticks will be more efficient than 15/24 processing 15/24 ticks.

- In my options menu I have two numbers which determine the bars. the first says 512000 and the second number says 65000 ... but I don't think the RAM should be an issue,.. cause I have 16 GB RAM and task manager shows me i'm only using 51% of total memory usage.

- I use multiple accounts with those brokers to test different strategies with my ea


Yes 1 indicator and 30 EA's on 15 tradefort platforms,... 4 ic markets platforms 2 roboofx and 2 armada markets platforms,

but only the tradefort platforms are freezing,... could it be because I have too much from the same platforms running ..?

It's difficult to say, it can be from the code you are running, from MT4 platform or from your server. Try to make some tests to identify the source of the problem. Try to run all of that on an other computer if you can, try to run other indicator/EA on the same computer.

I think that if you want to report it to the ServiceDesk you have to demonstrate that it's an MT4 issue. Only my opinion.