Separate Window in Expert Advisor


How can I open a separate Window in an Expert Advisor?



How can I open a separate Window in an Expert Advisor?


What do you mean, which kind of window ?
What do you mean, which kind of window ?

In the Indicators I can do it with instruction:

#property indicator_separate_window

but in Expert Advisor it is not possibile, it generates an error.

EA cannot run on separate windows. Only on main windows.

In the Indicators I can do it with instruction:

but in Expert Advisor it is not possibile, it generates an error.

What to do ? An EA can't draw from buffers like indicators. But it can draw objects on any window or subwindow.
What to do ? An EA can't draw from buffers like indicators. But it can draw objects on any window or subwindow.

Yes, I would simply write (with text objects) some infos in this separate window.

Yes, I would simply write (with text objects) some infos in this separate window.

Bear in mind that the EA can only draw on existing subwindows.


Create an empty indicator, call it "empty_indi" exemple :

int start()




And write wathever you want inside his window; included writing from your expert into his window; this is a current way to show information.

int Win_indi; Win_indi = WindowFind("empty_indi");      // Searching for indicator window number
   if (Win_indi<0)return;  // the indicator has to be in the chart

ObjectCreate("Name",OBJ_LABEL, Win_indi,0,0);// Creating
   ObjectSet ect    

Create an empty indicator, call it "empty_indi" exemple :

int start()




And write wathever you want inside his window; included writing from your expert into his window; this is a current way to show information.

Great, but but ..... I would like to launch the empty indicator not manually but from the Expert Advisor.

Can you do?


WOW!!! How can you do that?

That's exactly what I want....