How to change Initial Deposit of real accounts



I have a real account and I use MetaTrader as a tool for automated trading. After some tests, I decided to connect my real account with the MQL5 website, so that all my trades could be automatically pushed (registered) to My objective here is to use the MQL5 website as a tool to analyze all my trades, and to compute some key statistics, like profit factor, monthly returns, etc.

Everything is working as intended, being the only exception the Initial Deposit of my real account. The problem is, while I created the account I had an open position on my broker with zero balance. After selling my position the MQL5 website properly recognized the money from that position as a "new deposit", but the Initial Deposit is still registered as zero...

This is causing the website to wrongly compute the growth statistics of my account, which is currently at 46,032,999,283,362.5 %... 

My question is: is there any way to "correct" the Initial Deposit figure?

I mean, the only thing I need is to set this initial deposit to be the cash obtained after selling my position on my broker.

Thanks in advance,


Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Environment State / Account Properties
Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Environment State / Account Properties
Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Environment State / Account Properties - Documentation on MQL5

Hi Malacarne

You need to write to servicedesk as they only can check and fix if it is issue for example