Running more than one EA at a time - page 3

#property copyright "Copyright 2014, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
#property strict

extern bool CheckOncePerBar=true;
extern double FixedLotSize=1;
extern double SystemStopLoss=150;
extern double TakeProfit=0;
extern int Slippage=5;
extern int MagicNumber=3574;

//Global Variables
int BuyTicket=0;
int SellTicket=0;
double InternalStopLoss=0;
double CalcDigits=0;
double CalcPoint=0;
bool MABuyFanning=false;
bool MASellFanning=false;
int SelectedOrder=0;
bool Closed=false;
int ErrorCode=0;
string ErrLog="a";
double BuyStopLoss=0;
double SellStopLoss=0;
bool NewBar=false;
double ThisBarOpen=0;
double SmallMA=0;
double MediumMA=0;
double LargeMA=0;
int Counter=0;

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
CalcDigits = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_DIGITS);//MODE_DIGITS is count of digits after decimal point
if(CalcDigits==0) CalcPoint=1;//Dow      
if(CalcDigits==1) CalcPoint=0.1;   
if(CalcDigits==2) CalcPoint=0.01;//Gold & Nymex
if(CalcDigits==3) CalcPoint=0.01;//Yen
if(CalcDigits==4) CalcPoint=0.0001;//Not used
if(CalcDigits==5) CalcPoint=0.0001;//Non-Yen forex

void OnTick()

      else NewBar=false;
    else NewBar=true;


//Reset Moving Averages

   if(SmallMA>MediumMA&&MediumMA>LargeMA) MABuyFanning=true;
   else MABuyFanning=false;
   if(SmallMA<MediumMA&&MediumMA<LargeMA) MASellFanning=true; 
   else MASellFanning=false;   

      BuyStopLoss= Bid-InternalStopLoss;
   //   while(IsTradeContextBusy()) Sleep(10);
      BuyTicket=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,FixedLotSize,Ask,Slippage,BuyStopLoss,0,"Buy Order",MagicNumber,0,Green);
            Alert("Symbol: ",Symbol(),"Error in buy routine: ",ErrorCode);
            ErrLog=StringConcatenate("Bid: ",MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_BID)," Ask: ",MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_ASK)," Lots: ",FixedLotSize," Stop Loss: ",BuyStopLoss);
            //Buy ticket revert to 0 so it can try again in case of slow connection/timeout etc.

    //  while(IsTradeContextBusy()) Sleep(10);
      SellTicket=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELL,FixedLotSize,Bid,Slippage,SellStopLoss,0,"Sell Order",MagicNumber,0,Red);
            Alert("Symbol: ",Symbol(),"Error in sell routine: ",ErrorCode);
            ErrLog=StringConcatenate("Bid: ",MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_BID)," Ask: ",MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_ASK)," Lots: ",FixedLotSize," Stop Loss: ",SellStopLoss);


            for(Counter=0; Counter<=OrdersTotal()-1;Counter++)
                 // while(IsTradeContextBusy()) Sleep(10);
                  if(Closed) BuyTicket=0;
                  else Alert("Symbol: ",Symbol()," Ticket: ",BuyTicket," unable to close buy order(s): buy ma convergence close routine");                  

               SelectedOrder = OrderSelect(Counter,SELECT_BY_POS);
               //   while(IsTradeContextBusy()) Sleep(10);
                  if(Closed) SellTicket=0;
                  else Alert("Symbol: ",Symbol()," Ticket: ",SellTicket," unable to close sell order(s): sell ma convergence close routine");                  

You still have Counter--

See GumRai's comment

Do you think that two consecutive bars could have the same exact open price?
      else NewBar=false;
    else NewBar=true;

   : // doit
Always use time
static datetime ThisBarTime = 0;
if(ThisBarTime != Time[0] || !CheckOncePerBar)
   ThisBarTime = Time[0];
   : // doit
This doesn't handle deinit/init cycles. external static variable - MQL4 forum

Thanks for your posts.

I used Open instead of Time because once the Open of a bar occurs it is fixed for ever and it will never change. It isn't looking for two consecutive bars - it is the same bar and is asking whether the open of the current bar during which the tick has just taken place is the same as the Open value stored in ThisBarOpen. In addition, I would have thought Open would be more straightforward than Time because it is a simple data lookup whereas Time might have to reference something else and possibly do some sort of calculation.

Re Counter--; I didn't change that because another EA wouldn't be able to close an order because the code checks that both the MagicNumber and Symbol() are the same first.

I certainly take the point about a power cut wiping out the contents of BuyTicket but that hasn't happened during my tests and my code is still running very slowly. Therefore I can't see how that could be the cause either.

My main question at the moment is why it took such a long time to remove the EAs from the windows on the terminal which had open positions and no time at all to remove them from the terminal which had no open positions. Coincidence maybe - but all four windows?

Last time I had the same problem and actually it is how you code the ea. Maybe it is time your ea needs to be written from scratch again. v2 for example.

I don't know that this is really relevent to your issue but you limit your trading to 1 buy, 1 sell per EA so why do all this ?

    {SelectedOrder = OrderSelect(Counter,SELECT_BY_POS);
      if(Closed) SellTicket=0;
      else Alert("Symbol: ",Symbol()," Ticket: ",SellTicket," unable to close sell order(s): sell ma convergence close routine");                  

You already have your ticket number here:

SellTicket=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELL,FixedLotSize,Bid,Slippage,SellStopLoss,0,"Sell Order",MagicNumber,0,Red);

if you make that a static int you can close your order explicitly by that ticket number without trawling through the orders pool for it.


Thanks for your posts.

Re Counter--; I didn't change that because another EA wouldn't be able to close an order because the code checks that both the MagicNumber and Symbol() are the same first.

My main question at the moment is why it took such a long time to remove the EAs from the windows on the terminal which had open positions and no time at all to remove them from the terminal which had no open positions. Coincidence maybe - but all four windows?

Do you understand how loops work?

            for(Counter=0; Counter<=OrdersTotal()-1;Counter++)
                 // while(IsTradeContextBusy()) Sleep(10);
                  if(Closed) BuyTicket=0;
                  else Alert("Symbol: ",Symbol()," Ticket: ",BuyTicket," unable to close buy order(s): buy ma convergence close routine");                  

Say you have 3 orders open

At first run through, counter==0, so the order with the index 0 will be selected

At the end of the loop you decrease counter by 1, so counter== -1.

Before the loop executes again, counter is increased by 1 as part of the for function. So counter ==0

So the next run through the loop counter==0 again!! and so on and so on.

You are stuck in an endless loop that just keeps checking order index 0

The only way that it will stop is if there are no open orders because then OrdersTotal - 1 will be -1 and 0 is not <= -1

Thank you very much indeed GumRaj - you have solved my problem!! It works fine now. This is the first time I have written code in MQL4 so it is a learning process for me. I was confused about how the for loop worked.
Sneck55: GumRaj - you have solved my problem!! It works fine now.
And how did you solve it? If you aren't counting down you still have a problem (#3) - just hidden until you have multiple orders or multiple EAs.
It needs to decrement if it closes an order to match what happens in the pool but not if it doesn't close an order. If it decrements without closing an order it goes into an endless loop.