How to get point from the chart

How to get points from current chart, point ( price, time ) in order to used it specific funtion




dt and price are values of the selected point.

I want to get the latest date and price updated ????

Yes, you can get it but you have to use ChartEvent to make it work.
I want to draw function,starts at the chosen point using chartTimePricetoXY, and ends at the latest available point.
I want to draw function,starts at the chosen point using chartTimePricetoXY, and ends at the latest available point.

You cannot draw a function, you can have a function that draws something.

If you just want a trendline, then you don't need chartTimePricetoXY, just draw a trendline and as the latest available point moves, use Object Move for the second (10 co-ordinate


how to take the last X and Y coordinate on the chart,

For example :


int x =(int)lparam; ///// ===> here I want to get the latest update of X |||
int y =(int)dparam; //// ====== > here I want to get the latest update of Y ||| get the updates while chart running
datetime CT =0;
double CP =0;
int window=0

why can't you use time[0] ?
how to get price using Time[0]
how to get price using Time[0]
Please don't double post, I have to remove your other topic.