MT4 crashes when opened

Since a few days now my MT4, build 625, crashes immediately when opening it. I have tried the following with no success:
- Uninstall and re-install all different brokers MT4s
- Delete the MetaQuotes folder from users/.../appdata/Roaming
- Registry cleanup
- Install in different folders.

Each time I re-install I open it and it imediately crashes.

The application does run in following cases:
- when running in windows safe mode

- If I delete all .chr files from the MetaTrader\profiles\default folder. In that case the application starts, but I get a "common error" in the connection indicator and no connection is established. if I switch to another profile the application crashes again.

here's the data from the crash file from the Users\...\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Crashes folder:

Filename : mt4clw.4DBA1374B8789B3780F2AC257F8C3A90

Time : 2014.03.27 22:50 (00:00:17 elapsed)

Program : MetaTrader 4 Terminal

Version : 400.625 (21 Mar 2014)

Revision : 2528

OS : Windows 7 Professional 6.1 Service Pack 1 (Build 7601)

BIOS : LENOVO - 1370 - 4180WAL

Explorer : 8.0

ID : 1E938037-7868-I

Processors : 4 x Intel Core i5-2520M @ 2.50GHz

Computer : GUYRAV01:NTNET

Memory : 1554 free of 3979 Mb

Virtual : 3944 free of 4095 Mb

Handlers : 197

Path : C:\ MetaTrader

Disk C: : 139904 Mb of 305042 Mb free

Exception : C0000005 at 776822D2 write to 0000000C

Modules : 01310000 01713000 c:\ metatrader\terminal.exe (

: 77660000 00180000 c:\windows\syswow64\ntdll.dll (6.1.7601.18229)

: 76A90000 00110000 c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll (6.1.7601.18229)

: 758B0000 00047000 c:\windows\syswow64\kernelbase.dll (6.1.7601.18229)

: 74F10000 0006D000 c:\windows\syswow64\sysfer.dll (12.1.2015.2015)

: 757C0000 00035000 c:\windows\syswow64\ws2_32.dll (6.1.7601.17514)

: 752B0000 000AC000 c:\windows\syswow64\msvcrt.dll (6.1.8638.16385)

: 766F0000 000F0000 c:\windows\syswow64\rpcrt4.dll (6.1.7601.18205)

: 751C0000 00060000 c:\windows\syswow64\sspicli.dll (6.1.7601.17514)

: 751B0000 0000C000 c:\windows\syswow64\cryptbase.dll (6.1.7600.16385)

: 75710000 00019000 c:\windows\syswow64\sechost.dll (6.1.7600.16385)

: 77630000 00006000 c:\windows\syswow64\nsi.dll (6.1.7600.16385)

: 74540000 00032000 c:\windows\system32\winmm.dll (6.1.7601.17514)

: 76BC0000 00100000 c:\windows\syswow64\user32.dll (6.1.7601.17514)

: 75730000 00090000 c:\windows\syswow64\gdi32.dll (6.1.7601.17514)

: 75570000 0000A000 c:\windows\syswow64\lpk.dll (6.1.7600.16385)

: 755E0000 0009D000 c:\windows\syswow64\usp10.dll (1.626.7601.17514)

: 754D0000 000A0000 c:\windows\syswow64\advapi32.dll (6.1.7601.17514)

: 720A0000 00005000 c:\windows\system32\msimg32.dll (6.1.7600.16385)

: 72E20000 000EB000 c:\windows\system32\dbghelp.dll (6.1.7601.17514)

: 75680000 00005000 c:\windows\syswow64\psapi.dll (6.1.7600.16385)

: 72810000 00058000 c:\windows\system32\winhttp.dll (6.1.7601.17514)

: 727C0000 0004F000 c:\windows\system32\webio.dll (6.1.7601.17514)

: 6A880000 00190000 c:\windows\winsxs\\gdiplus.dll (6.1.7601.17514)

: 76DE0000 0015C000 c:\windows\syswow64\ole32.dll (6.1.7601.17514)

: 77070000 0011D000 c:\windows\syswow64\crypt32.dll (6.1.7601.17514)

: 767E0000 0000C000 c:\windows\syswow64\msasn1.dll (6.1.7601.17514)

: 734E0000 00051000 c:\windows\system32\winspool.drv (6.1.7601.17514)

: 75900000 00C4A000 c:\windows\syswow64\shell32.dll (6.1.7601.17514)

: 75580000 00057000 c:\windows\syswow64\shlwapi.dll (6.1.7601.17514)

: 72B30000 0019E000 c:\windows\winsxs\\comctl32.dll (6.1.7601.17514)

: 74580000 00080000 c:\windows\system32\uxtheme.dll (6.1.7600.16385)

: 75220000 0008F000 c:\windows\syswow64\oleaut32.dll (6.1.7601.17676)

: 74E60000 0001C000 c:\windows\system32\oledlg.dll (6.1.7600.16385)

: 73F50000 00007000 c:\windows\system32\wsock32.dll (6.1.7600.16385)

: 74A20000 00009000 c:\windows\system32\version.dll (6.1.7600.16385)

: 73540000 0003C000 c:\windows\system32\oleacc.dll (6.1.7601.17676)

: 76CF0000 00060000 c:\windows\syswow64\imm32.dll (6.1.7601.17514)

: 77190000 000CC000 c:\windows\syswow64\msctf.dll (6.1.7600.16385)

: 74EF0000 0000B000 c:\windows\system32\profapi.dll (6.1.7600.16385)

: 74820000 0004C000 c:\windows\system32\apphelp.dll (6.1.7601.17514)

: 744D0000 00013000 c:\windows\system32\dwmapi.dll (6.1.7600.16385)

: 74A70000 00016000 c:\windows\system32\cryptsp.dll (6.1.7600.16385)

: 74A30000 0003B000 c:\windows\system32\rsaenh.dll (6.1.7600.16385)

: 73580000 0000E000 c:\windows\system32\rpcrtremote.dll (6.1.7601.17514)

: 767F0000 00083000 c:\windows\syswow64\clbcatq.dll (6.1.7600.16385)

: 5BA00000 00A80000 c:\windows\syswow64\ieframe.dll (8.0.7601.17638)

: 76880000 001FE000 c:\windows\syswow64\iertutil.dll (8.0.7601.17638)

: 75390000 00137000 c:\windows\syswow64\urlmon.dll (8.0.7601.17638)

: 76F70000 000F5000 c:\windows\syswow64\wininet.dll (8.0.7601.17638)

: 6BE50000 0005F000 c:\windows\system32\sxs.dll (6.1.7601.17514)

: 5E820000 005BA000 c:\windows\syswow64\mshtml.dll (8.0.7601.17655)

: 74DD0000 0002A000 msls31.dll

: 74AC0000 00021000 c:\windows\system32\ntmarta.dll (6.1.7600.16385)

: 75860000 00045000 c:\windows\syswow64\wldap32.dll (6.1.7601.17514)

: 75690000 0007B000 c:\windows\syswow64\comdlg32.dll (6.1.7601.17514)

Registers : EAX=0000000C CS=0023 EIP=776822D2 EFLGS=00010206

: EBX=01CF4A06 SS=002b ESP=002DDDB8 EBP=002DDDCC

: ECX=92C54997 DS=002b ESI=0000000C FS=0053

: EDX=002DDDF0 ES=002b EDI=00000008 GS=002b

Stack info : top=002E0000 bottom=002D1000 base=001E0000

Threads : #000 00000E54 EIP: 776822D2 ESP: 002DDDB8 gui main

776822C0:000012 [776822D2] RtlEqualSid (ntdll.dll)

014AE420:000039 [014AE459] #13145 (terminal.exe)

015C5B60:000D2C [015C688C] #17331 (terminal.exe)

015D1DD0:0000DF [015D1EAF] #17600 (terminal.exe)

0152C300:000008 [0152C308] #14903 (terminal.exe)

01337FDC:000022 [01337FFE] #2519 (terminal.exe)

01333A34:0000B0 [01333AE4] #2338 (terminal.exe)

01337A2D:000031 [01337A5E] #2499 (terminal.exe)

013410B5:00005E [01341113] #3163 (terminal.exe)

0136C00B:000011 [0136C01C] #5082 (terminal.exe)

01351305:00010D [01351412] #3874 (terminal.exe)

013512EE:000013 [01351301] #3873 (terminal.exe)

015206D0:000177 [01520847] #14735 (terminal.exe)

015264F0:000139 [01526629] #14804 (terminal.exe)

7768F4B5:0000A9 [7768F55E] RtlInitOutOfProcessMemoryStream (ntdll.dll)

0148C17E:000046 [0148C1C4] #12738 (terminal.exe)

76AA3358:000012 [76AA336A] AcquireSRWLockExclusive (kernel32.dll)

77699F0F:000063 [77699F72] RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl (ntdll.dll)

77699F0F:000036 [77699F45] RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl (ntdll.dll)

776822C0 8BFF mov edi, edi

776822C2 55 push ebp

776822C3 8BEC mov ebp, esp

776822C5 83EC0C sub esp, 0xc

776822C8 56 push esi

776822C9 57 push edi

776822CA 8B7D08 mov edi, [ebp+0x8]

776822CD 8D7704 lea esi, [edi+0x4]

776822D0 8BC6 mov eax, esi

crash --> 776822D2 F00FBA3000 lock btr dword [eax], 0x0

776822D7 0F839E020100 jae dword 0x7769257b

776822DD 64A118000000 mov eax, [fs:0x18]

776822E3 8B4824 mov ecx, [eax+0x24]

776822E6 894F0C mov [edi+0xc], ecx

776822E9 C7470801000000 mov dword [edi+0x8], 0x1

776822F0 5F pop edi

: #001 00001580 EIP: 7768015D ESP: 04E5FA84

77680148:000015 [7768015D] NtWow64CsrGetProcessId (ntdll.dll)

76AA196E:00008E [76AA19FC] WaitForMultipleObjectsEx (kernel32.dll)

76BE05BA:0002B0 [76BE086A] PtInRect (user32.dll)

76BE0B4A:00001F [76BE0B69] OpenIcon (user32.dll)

6A8C7923:000000 [6A8C7923] unknown (gdiplus.dll)

6A8C7842:000000 [6A8C7842] unknown (gdiplus.dll)

76AA3358:000012 [76AA336A] AcquireSRWLockExclusive (kernel32.dll)

77699F0F:000063 [77699F72] RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl (ntdll.dll)

77699F0F:000036 [77699F45] RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl (ntdll.dll)

: #002 000010E8 EIP: 7768015D ESP: 05EAF6C4

77680148:000015 [7768015D] NtWow64CsrGetProcessId (ntdll.dll)

76AA3358:000012 [76AA336A] AcquireSRWLockExclusive (kernel32.dll)

77699F0F:000063 [77699F72] RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl (ntdll.dll)

77699F0F:000036 [77699F45] RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl (ntdll.dll)

: #003 00001A48 EIP: 77681F46 ESP: 0600FBF8

77681F34:000012 [77681F46] ZwWow64CsrCaptureMessageString (ntdll.dll)

76AA3358:000012 [76AA336A] AcquireSRWLockExclusive (kernel32.dll)

77699F0F:000063 [77699F72] RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl (ntdll.dll)

77699F0F:000036 [77699F45] RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl (ntdll.dll)

: #004 000000D8 EIP: 77681F46 ESP: 0622FDEC

77681F34:000012 [77681F46] ZwWow64CsrCaptureMessageString (ntdll.dll)

76AA3358:000012 [76AA336A] AcquireSRWLockExclusive (kernel32.dll)

77699F0F:000063 [77699F72] RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl (ntdll.dll)

77699F0F:000036 [77699F45] RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl (ntdll.dll)

: #005 00001AE4 EIP: 7767FD91 ESP: 0610FB50

7767FD7C:000015 [7767FD91] ZwDeleteValueKey (ntdll.dll)

758C4489:00000F [758C4498] Sleep (kernelbase.dll)

76E0A72F:00325E [76E0D98D] CoIsOle1Class (ole32.dll)

76E0A72F:00314B [76E0D87A] CoIsOle1Class (ole32.dll)

76AA3358:000012 [76AA336A] AcquireSRWLockExclusive (kernel32.dll)

77699F0F:000063 [77699F72] RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl (ntdll.dll)

77699F0F:000036 [77699F45] RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl (ntdll.dll)

: #006 000017C0 EIP: 7767F8D1 ESP: 0642F7D0

7767F8BC:000015 [7767F8D1] ZwWow64CsrCaptureMessageBuffer (ntdll.dll)

76AA1151:000043 [76AA1194] WaitForSingleObjectEx (kernel32.dll)

76AA1136:000012 [76AA1148] WaitForSingleObject (kernel32.dll)

5E9906CF:04FD26 [5E9E03F5] DllEnumClassObjects (mshtml.dll)

5E9906CF:055B60 [5E9E622F] DllEnumClassObjects (mshtml.dll)

76AA3358:000012 [76AA336A] AcquireSRWLockExclusive (kernel32.dll)

77699F0F:000063 [77699F72] RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl (ntdll.dll)

77699F0F:000036 [77699F45] RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl (ntdll.dll)

Thanks a lot for any help.


Welcome to forum,

Unfortunately there is no file attached. By the way, the best thing to do is to report this problem to the ServiceDesk of Metaquotes.

It seems you are not alone.


... also try deleting all your mqlcache files.

Often indicators and experts programmed incorrectly are the reason for most crashes. It may be your platform, yes, but doesn't hurt to delete those files and check if that helps.

same happen to me on windows 7 and XP instances.

it is a problem with the current built interacting with the antivirus

please check this message from: angevoyageur:
You can try build 628.


Windows 7

Same Here, I just fixed using compatibility!