Why TrailingStop isn't working? - page 2


Use more Print(" ......") inside your code to check what your code is doing

where does it fails ???

So where do you look for errors ????

Then you had found with using Print() what GumRai is pointing out

By the way if you have problems with your code and you want free help then use the Forum

that is the section you have to use asking your questions about issues you have on your code

if i or others help you on forum with a issue then don't start private messages

I have not the time to help you personal for free checking all your codes your write me at personal messages

if you want personal private lessons from me or maybe someone else then it's for me going with using section Jobs ofcours then getting paid

and in a way it's easier to communicate at a time we agree

First of all you could say this at 'Personal Message' too. You remain Silent there but chosen to reply here.

I'm Sorry if I bothered you. You could at least tell it but you didn't.

Yes, I have posted this 'Issue' in the 'Forum' instead of asking you at personal message.

You Helped me a lot at my other 'Topic' in this Forum, so I'm Grateful to you.

Actually things can be said directly instead of giving Hint. Like here if GumRai told that there is problem with

'Point Sizing'of 'TrailStop', then I could catch it at first time.

I can ask for Help but it's that person's will whether to Help or Not. If anyone doesn't want to Help just can say it in a line rather being silent.

The problems I post here are nothing to the Coders here. They are Silly and very Basic mistakes which wont take for them even '5' minutes to

identify. But don't know why most of the coders prefer to avoid it .


Actually things can be said directly instead of giving Hint. Like here if GumRai told that there is problem with

'Point Sizing'of 'TrailStop', then I could catch it at first time.

The "Raptor" style of giving hints forced you to give the problem some thought. Because of that, the next time you have a similar problem, you may have an idea of where to look. Or even better, you may not make that mistake in your code again.

If you are simply handed the solution without any effort from you, it is quite likely that you will repeat the same mistakes over and over again.


The "Raptor" style of giving hints forced you to give the problem some thought. Because of that, the next time you have a similar problem, you may have an idea of where to look. Or even better, you may not make that mistake in your code again.

If you are simply handed the solution without any effort from you, it is quite likely that you will repeat the same mistakes over and over again.

That's True too. Yes, now I wont repeat this Mistake.

Also I got an idea that it is a better way to print every 'Logic' out thus I can see is the logic doing what I intended to do.

Though I expect that after giving Hint, at some point the Direct answer should be given.

I faced many time that after giving hint, no further Direct answer was given in spite of requesting several times. So I had to Stop there

or proceed without knowing the 'Fault'.


That's True too. Yes, now I wont repeat this Mistake.

Also I got an idea that it is a better way to print every 'Logic' out thus I can see is the logic doing what I intended to do.

Though I expect that after giving Hint, at some point the Direct answer should be given.

I faced many time that after giving hint, no further Direct answer was given in spite of requesting several times. So I had to Stop there

or proceed without knowing the 'Fault'.

Yes, it was good that you printed out the logic, it proved that you were making the effort to pin point the problem.

That was when I gave the direct answer (more or less) :)



I suggest you to begin to fix your indentation, what a mess, how can you follow what this code is doing ?

This is the problem a lot of people have with your coding style. The codes you give are not written easy to follow

if i have to answer you then i have also the problems with your coding style it is because of that not a joy to help you

i have said that you before to make your coding more easy to read.


First of all you could say this at 'Personal Message' too. You remain Silent there but chosen to reply here.

I'm Sorry if I bothered you. You could at least tell it but you didn't.

Yes, I have posted this 'Issue' in the 'Forum' instead of asking you at personal message.

You Helped me a lot at my other 'Topic' in this Forum, so I'm Grateful to you.

Actually things can be said directly instead of giving Hint. Like here if GumRai told that there is problem with

'Point Sizing'of 'TrailStop', then I could catch it at first time.

I can ask for Help but it's that person's will whether to Help or Not. If anyone doesn't want to Help just can say it in a line rather being silent.

The problems I post here are nothing to the Coders here. They are Silly and very Basic mistakes which wont take for them even '5' minutes to

identify. But don't know why most of the coders prefer to avoid it .

then you can't expect

messages Stopped not answering the personal messages of you, and not answering your messages was bringing you back to the place where your messages did belong

If you ask for help then make sure your code is easy to follow now coders can prefer to avoid it.

A lot of your issues you can find is doing by using some Print( ) functions, when there is a 'bug'

if the print ( ) is not needed anymore then you can remove it again.