MetaTrader 4 Platform Update build 625: Magazines in MetaTrader Market and New MetaViewer - page 6

Blimey, all this new baloney. You only just put everybody through a ton of massive changes, can you not stabilise the new environment first and give people a bit of break before yet more changes!

This is not what I asked, I know it's a long, otherwise you will get an other error.

I am thinking the problem is that your m_chart_id don't correspond to an open chart.

Thanks. This is my problem!

Hi all, my list of signals is down from 112 (build 610) to about 26 under build 625. Some of these signals may be under a different locale to that set by windows.

I take it that "Signals: Fixed display of signal descriptions in the languages different from installed Windows locale." in the release notes is to blame.

Please kill this filtering mechanism and bring back our signals.



It's the third time that I ask this question, ant I still didn't get any answer! Any news about a metatester for the mt4? That use cuda and or multiple CPU? Can you please post a rodmap like any serious company about this topics ?

Could you provide log file of client terminal?

Hi Alex,

The issue pertains to Symantec Endpoint Protection Agent.

See if attached file helps.

I also seem to have found another issue. If u tried to uninstall the program, it will prompt to say u need system administrator rights, even though i am the administrator of the system. Not a big issue though... maybe its why the agent is acting up?

It's the third time that I ask this question, ant I still didn't get any answer! Any news about a metatester for the mt4? That use cuda and or multiple CPU? Can you please post a rodmap like any serious company about this topics ?
Did you ask MetaQuotes via the Service Desk ?

Why I get error 4051 ?

This code doesn't trigger any error

   Print(__FUNCTION__," GetLastError() :",GetLastError());

Probably first parameter is incorrect. I'm getting the same error using this code.

   Print(__FUNCTION__," GetLastError() :",GetLastError());

Why I get error 4051 ?

as Alex wrote
you may not have such a Chart with ID m_chart_id
find out:

   long currChart, prevChart = ChartFirst();
   int i = 0;
   bool foundit;
   if (prevChart == m_chart_id) // found it
      foundit = true;
      Alert("The Chart with ", m_chart_id, " ID is =: ", ChartSymbol(prevChart));
   while(currChart > -1)
      currChart = ChartNext(prevChart); // Get the new chart ID by using the previous chart ID
      if (currChart == m_chart_id) // found it
         foundit = true;
         Alert("The Chart with ", m_chart_id, " ID is =: ", ChartSymbol(currChart));
      if(currChart < 0) break;          // Have reached the end of the chart list
      prevChart=currChart;// let's save the current chart ID for the ChartNext()
      i++;// Do not forget to increase the counter
   if (!foundit)
      Alert("there is no such Chart with ID ", m_chart_id);
m_chart_id was -1 . I correct the code . Thank you all.

Unlike the previous version, we can execute script without enabling the ExpertAdvisor button.

Is there any way to execute script without enabling the AutoTrading button? When the button is not enabled and a script is executed, it says "trade operations not allowed by settings"