MetaTrader 4 Platform Update build 625: Magazines in MetaTrader Market and New MetaViewer - page 3


great new build new bugs

i disabled trading, using (CTRL + E) and it's continuing to trade (i had to remove the EA's from the charts)



"MetaQuotes Software Corp. is a B2B software development company established in 2000."

Metaquotes is a software company, a business, not a non-profit. They need to get money from somewhere. I don't recall MetaTrader being open source or anything like that. It makes total sense from a business point of view that they release things like Magazines, Signals and Markets. If you just want a trading platform then you should look at

1. No one has said that Metaquotes is a non-profit.

2. They 'need to' and they ARE getting money from each brokerage that uses it.

3. No one has said MetaTrader is open source 'or anything like that'.

4. No one is saying that selling magazines, Signals, and Markets shows a lack of business sense.

Please indulge me a moment while I relate things as I see it which may be entirely wrong.....

There are some people who just keep their simple flip phone because that's all they need. Just a phone. It has worked well for them for years. They know how to use it. They depend on it to be a good working phone. It is their choice to NOT get an apple or droid smart-phone and learn how to use it. They actually wear a wrist watch,own a camera and carry a notepad. They like it that way. No software updates to worry about. No one hacking their phone.. They could care less about facebook, twitter and's their choice. When they need to call the hospital or the police they know it will work. Their lives may depend on it working properly.

Now imagine they are told that one day soon they will be eligible for an upgrade to a fancy 'smart' phone that will do everything except cook your dinner. They are not really interested in all those extra functions..... they just need a dependable tried and true phone... and that's all they want and need.
On the day that they are eligible for the upgrade they go to the cell phone repairman because suddenly their phone is acting wacky. When they walk in the store the salesman yanks their phone that they know and love so well, from their hands, and shoves a brand new shiny, state of the art, latest computer technology equipped, mini-computer phone into their hands.
"You don't understand I just want to get my phone fixed or get a new flip phone." they say. "NO, YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!" the salesman replies. "We are disabling your old phone that's just a phone and giving you this 'smart' one....
"I don't want a 'smart' one. I just want a phone."
"To bad. You either use our phone with all this stuff that you don't need to make a phone call, or you use someone else's phone system."
"Can't I just keep my old phone for phone calls and also have this 'smart' one to do the other stuff until I get used to it?"
"Nope sorry your old phone will no longer work on our system. Oh and the new phone has some bugs in it that may make it not work so well as a phone until we get all the kinks out. You have to dial the numbers differently so you will have to go through all of your numbers and change them a little."

This is where we traders are with MetaTrader. Our old phone has been made inoperable and we are trying to learn how to use the new one as the manufacturer goes through upgrade after upgrade adding more and more functions. We are changing code daily to keep it working. We no longer trust the software to do what it is supposed to do while we are not looking. With our old phone we trusted it to save our lives when we needed it to.
This is a quote from this page...
"In future, MetaQuotes Software Corp. will develop, as before, only the best software in order to make trading even more profitable, usable, and easy to operate."

It seems to me that the focus on this objective has been lost. Adding the ability to read magazines in my trading platform has nothing to do with making that platform 'more profitable(except for metaquotes), usable, and easy to operate'. It will be a nice feature for those that desire it. I'm just saying that we were not given a choice. This is why IBM_DOS gave way to MS_DOS and Apple is losing to droid. When you eliminate your clients choices they start looking for an alternative.

I realize that it is a waste of time to keep talking about the situation that we find ourselves in. We must go on and decide whether to switch to another platform, dig into educating ourselves on this one or just read magazines and wait for things to return to some sort of normalcy.

In the meantime I hope to keep learning of the changes and figuring out why I need them in my trading and of course helping others where I can, to understand this crazy yet wonderful wild and wacky world that is Forex trading and programming.

Peace to All... PipPip...Jimdandy

P.S. I will take a look at that Google search as you suggest.. it may be interesting to see what's out there. However getting it to communicate with a broker's secure server will be an entirely different matter.....


I agree with your cellphone analogy but isn't that how it is with any consumer product? I think it is human nature to feel that because we use a product we somehow have claim to that product, like because we use it we feel we somehow own a part of it. The reality we have to live with as a consumer is, we dont. The only choice we really have is to either continue using the product or service, or not.

Did you try to restart your computer ? Which configuration do you have ?

YES I have already restart my computer and no configuration.

It is just when i open the platform it will be open but auto close less then 1 second

I noticed mq4 source files created before MT4 Build 600 won't work in MT4 Build 600 and higher, and you can't compile old mq4 files to ex4 using the Editor in Mt4 Build 600 and higher. And now its hard to find any older MT4's (such as Build 509 or lower) with which to compile the old mq4 source files into ex4 so they can be used with Build 600 and higher when loaded in the data folder/mql4/experts. Does anyone know of a place where I can compile my older mq4 source files other then trying to find a old version of Mt4 to try to compile them?

i find the problem is by my "Symantec Endpoint Protection"

so, does the updated this time have any Security issue??


I'm having a problem with running it as well.

It was working fine just last week, then today, it refuses to start at all.


Has anyone faced similar problem in 625? I cannot convert the 1M data to other periods. Thanks in advance.

Please make sure that client terminal is 625 build and PreiodConverter has been recompiled using the last metaeditor (914). Do not forget to allow DLL calls on property tab of the script which appears when you drag it onto the chart window.

I've just checked script. It works as expected.


YES I have already restart my computer and no configuration.

It is just when i open the platform it will be open but auto close less then 1 second

Could you provide log file of client terminal?


do you know when this issue is going to be addressed ?