Dear programmer,
I have searched in the forum for similar thread, i got one. I tried getting idea from it & tried different coding. But nothing work. If possible please help.
Strategy works fine in EA. Just after 1st trade its not taking any more.
What i required to add in it to make it work?
You may want to print out S and R1 to see if the values are as you expect . . .
S1 = highest - 40; R1 = lowest + 40;
. . . . what kind of value do you expect ?
Sorry my mistake I re uploaded again with correct code here. Forgot to add this.
S1 = highest - (40 * Point);
But after adding its still not working. Only showing for one day.
You have 2 Global scope variables that hold the OrderTicket numbers
int BuyTicket; int SellTicket;
So when the first order is placed, one of them will have a value. The code that will reset them to zero is conditional that when added together they will total less than 2
int Ticket = BuyTicket + SellTicket; double CP = Bid; lowest = Low[iLowest(NULL,PERIOD_D1,MODE_LOW,1,1)]; highest = High[iHighest(NULL,PERIOD_D1,MODE_HIGH,1,1)]; if( (highest - CP) > (20 * Point)) { if(Ticket < 2) // BuyTicket or SellTicket will be more than 2 once the first trade has been sent. { // if(Ticket < 2) is not true none of this code will be executed } } else if( (CP - lowest)> (20 * Point)) { if(Ticket < 2 ) { // Same as above, not executed } } return(0); }
You have 2 Global scope variables that hold the OrderTicket numbers
So when the first order is placed, one of them will have a value. The code that will reset them to zero is conditional that when added together they will total less than 2
I added that condition, because at first it was giving so many orders one at time. So i realized, that every time current price stays above 20 pips from the low (according to the strategy), market placing orders constantly on R1.
So i thought, adding limit. When the condition met, only 1-2 trades will be taken for the day.
You are right, when i added Ticket < 10, it was taking more than one trades on other days too. But it, its random, say i choose date from 21st jan,2014 to 28th feb. 1st trade made on 21st jan, next are on 7th feb & then no more.
Another thing, its showing ordersend error 130. I felt, orders are placing too close to the ask price, so there may be problem with stoploss. I added a tweak here. When one ask price is lower than S1 & difference between them is 20 pips, then place sell orders.
// Sell Order ES = MathAbs((R1 - Ask)); if(Ask > R1 && ES >(20 * Point)) { SellTicket = OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELLSTOP,LotSize,R1,UseSlippage,SellStopLoss,SellTakeProfit,"Sell Stop Order",MagicNumber,D+1,Red); BuyTicket = 0; } else if(Ask < R1 && ES >(20 * Point)) { SellTicket = OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELLLIMIT,LotSize,R1,UseSlippage,SellStopLoss,SellTakeProfit,"Sell Limit Order",MagicNumber,D+1,Red); BuyTicket = 0; }
After adding it shows no error, But dates are still random.
I have no idea.
Testing broker is 4 digit broker. But thanks for the link.
I found solution for random dates. There was a mistake on expiration time. I corrected it.
But in delete order still required some attention. Orders are expiring on the day current as i coded according to the strategy.
But i also added another condition.
If Lowest price got changed say Bid < lowest, then those selllimit orders will get deleted. But its not deleting. I checked the tester, but its showing order deleted due expiration. Not for this particular condition. I am not sure.
lowest = Low[iLowest(NULL,PERIOD_D1,MODE_LOW,1,0)];
Is this coding is all right for calculating current day lowest low on 1Hour chart for that day?
Thank you.
lowest = Low[iLowest(NULL,PERIOD_D1,MODE_LOW,1,0)];
Is this coding is all right for calculating current day lowest low on 1Hour chart for that day?
Thank you.
If you strip down your line of code
What does
Well, it returns the shift of the lowest bar, comparing the range of bar[0] to bar[0] on the daily chart.
It's like saying, "I have 1 bags of apples, which bag has the least amount of apples?"
So we know that this function can only return 0
lowest = Low[iLowest(NULL,PERIOD_D1,MODE_LOW,1,0)]; // is exactly the same as lowest = Low[0];
So your line of code returns the low of the current bar on the current chart
I believe that what you are trying to achieve can be done by
which will return the current day's low (so far)
Please use indentation, you will probably find more people are willing to help if you make your code easier to read
I have tidied it up a bit and added comments in the code, please read them Also additional comments re highlighted
I've also changed the code to get today's high and low
#property copyright "Copyright 2014, Mimi" #property link "" #property version "1.00" extern double LotSize = 0.1; extern double StopLoss = 10; extern double TakeProfit = 20; extern int Slippage = 5; extern int MagicNumber = 123; double currentlow; double currenthigh; double S1; double lowest; double highest; double ES; double EB; double R1; int q; int BuyTicket = 0; int SellTicket = 0; double UsePoint; int UseSlippage; // Init function int init() { UsePoint = PipPoint(Symbol()); UseSlippage = GetSlippage(Symbol(),Slippage); return(UsePoint); return(UseSlippage); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Start function int start() { datetime now = TimeCurrent(); int bod = now - now % 86400; // Beginning of the day int tomorrow = bod + 86400; int expiration = tomorrow - 1; for( q=0;q<OrdersTotal();q++) { if (OrderSelect(q, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES)==true && OrderSymbol()==Symbol()) { // checking positions for open orders. if (OrderType()==OP_BUYSTOP || OrderType() == OP_BUYLIMIT || OrderType () == OP_SELLLIMIT ||OrderType()==OP_SELLSTOP) return(0); } } int Ticket = BuyTicket + SellTicket; //double CP = Bid; // What is the point? Just use Bid lowest = iLow(NULL,PERIOD_D1,0); // Today's low highest = iHigh(NULL,PERIOD_D1,0); // Today's high if( (highest - Bid) > (20 * Point)) //if current price is more than 20 pips below today's high { if(Ticket < 100) //This may work in the strategy tester, it will not in real-time { //currenthigh = highest; //-You don't use this variable S1 = highest - (40 * Point); //---Calculating Support at 40 pips below today's high OrderSelect(BuyTicket,SELECT_BY_TICKET); //1 if(OrderCloseTime() == 0 && BuyTicket > 0 && OrderType() == OP_BUYLIMIT) //2 { bool Deleted = OrderDelete(BuyTicket,Green); // You create the variable "Deleted" but only assign a } // value to it, you never reference it. if( Bid > highest) //How can Bid be higher than today's high ??? { Deleted = OrderDelete(BuyTicket,Green); } // Calculate stop loss and take profit if(StopLoss > 0) double BuyStopLoss = S1 - (StopLoss * Point); if(TakeProfit > 0) double BuyTakeProfit = S1 + (TakeProfit * Point); // ----------------------------------------Open buy order EB = MathAbs((S1 - Bid)); if (Bid < S1 && EB > (20 * Point)) //if Bid is at least 20 pips below S1 ie at least 60 pips below today's high { BuyTicket = OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUYSTOP,LotSize,S1,UseSlippage,BuyStopLoss,BuyTakeProfit,"Buy Stop Order",MagicNumber,expiration,Green); SellTicket = 0; } else if(Bid > S1 && EB > (20 * Point)) { BuyTicket = OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUYLIMIT,LotSize,S1,UseSlippage,BuyStopLoss,BuyTakeProfit,"Buy Limit Order",MagicNumber,expiration,Green); SellTicket = 0; } } } else if( (Bid - lowest)> (20 * Point)) { if(Ticket < 100 ) { currentlow = lowest; R1 = lowest + (40 * Point); //---Calculating resistance OrderSelect(SellTicket,SELECT_BY_TICKET); if(OrderCloseTime() == 0 && SellTicket > 0 && OrderType() == OP_SELLLIMIT) { Deleted = OrderDelete(SellTicket,Red); } if( Bid < lowest) { Deleted = OrderDelete(SellTicket,Red); } if(StopLoss > 0) double SellStopLoss = R1 + (StopLoss * Point); if(TakeProfit > 0) double SellTakeProfit = R1 -(TakeProfit * Point); // Sell Order ES = MathAbs((R1 - Ask)); if(Ask > R1 && ES >(20 * Point)) { SellTicket = OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELLSTOP,LotSize,R1,UseSlippage,SellStopLoss,SellTakeProfit,"Sell Stop Order",MagicNumber,expiration,Red); BuyTicket = 0; } else if(Ask < R1 && ES >(20 * Point)) { SellTicket = OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELLLIMIT,LotSize,R1,UseSlippage,SellStopLoss,SellTakeProfit,"Sell Limit Order",MagicNumber,expiration,Red); BuyTicket = 0; } } } return(0); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Pip Point Function double PipPoint(string Currency) { int CalcDigits = MarketInfo(Currency,MODE_DIGITS); if(CalcDigits == 2 || CalcDigits == 3) double CalcPoint = 0.01; else if(CalcDigits == 4 || CalcDigits == 5) CalcPoint = 0.0001; return(CalcPoint); } // Get Slippage Function int GetSlippage(string Currency, int SlippagePips) { int CalcDigits = MarketInfo(Currency,MODE_DIGITS); if(CalcDigits == 2 || CalcDigits == 4) double CalcSlippage = SlippagePips; else if(CalcDigits == 3 || CalcDigits == 5) CalcSlippage = SlippagePips * 10; return(CalcSlippage); }
//1 What happens if the OrderSelect fails?
//2 The && BuyTicket > 0 is redundant because if it was not >0 the OrderSelect would have failed.
The && OrderType() == OP_BUYLIMIT is not possible. Earlier in the code, you loop through open orders and return if you find a pending order
So if the && OrderType() == OP_BUYLIMIT this section of code will not be executed
Please use indentation, you will probably find more people are willing to help if you make your code easier to read
I have tidied it up a bit and added comments in the code, please read them Also additional comments re highlighted
I've also changed the code to get today's high and low
//1 What happens if the OrderSelect fails?
//2 The && BuyTicket > 0 is redundant because if it was not >0 the OrderSelect would have failed.
The && OrderType() == OP_BUYLIMIT is not possible. Earlier in the code, you loop through open orders and return if you find a pending order
So if the && OrderType() == OP_BUYLIMIT this section of code will not be executed
Thank you for correcting.
if( Bid > highest) //How can Bid be higher than today's high ??? { Deleted = OrderDelete(BuyTicket,Green); }
This part of the code added because, if highest high got changed, then calculation of S1 will be different. That's why to added the condition to check, if its true, then delete the pending order. If any better way is possible then please share.
About OrderSelect area, i deleted the orderclosetime part. Now will it be ok? I tested it.
EB = MathAbs((S1 - Bid)); if (Bid > S1 && EB > (20 * Point)) //if Bid is at least 20 pips below S1 ie at least 60 pips below today's high { BuyTicket = OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUYLIMIT,LotSize,S1,UseSlippage,BuyStopLoss,BuyTakeProfit,"Buy Stop Order",MagicNumber,expiration,Green); SellTicket = 0; } else if(Bid < S1 && EB > (20 * Point)) { BuyTicket = OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUYSTOP,LotSize,S1,UseSlippage,BuyStopLoss,BuyTakeProfit,"Buy Limit Order",MagicNumber,expiration,Green); SellTicket = 0; }
Now about this part (corrected) is say high is 1.3680 bid is at 1.3659 greater than 20, so S1 is 1.3680-40=1.3640. It will place Buylimit. But if bid is below the S1 then it will place buystop, ( I checked the tester, sometimes it was giving ordersend error, so that's why added this condition)
Lastly about the Ticket < 100 condition, i added it because, i want to take only 1-2 trades per day.
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Dear programmer,
I have searched in the forum for similar thread, i got one. I tried getting idea from it & tried different coding. But nothing work. If possible please help.
Strategy works fine in EA. Just after 1st trade its not taking any more.
What i required to add in it to make it work?
I want my trade signal getting generated with each bars or daily. Say i put EA on daily chart, so for each daily bar it will create signal & trade.
Any guidance.
Thank you