running cpp.exe standalone on build 616? (was mql.exe?)


I'm not sure what's happened but it looks like mql.exe has been replaced with cpp.exe in build 616 ??

I did have sources outside of the MetaTrader folder, and was running mql.exe to compile, and then copy the ex4 into the data folder.

That doesn't seem to work now with cpp. I get...

MQL4/MQL5 Compiler launcher build 887 (13 Feb 2014)

Copyright 2001-2014, MetaQuotes Software Corp.

MQL Compiler library loading failed

I've tried moving my source back into the DATA_FOLDER\Experts folder and running cpp from there at the command line. But that doesn't work.

Using MetaEditor works of course, but I'd like to go back to compiling from Vim...

Anyone got this working from the command line?


Hmm - Although the command line compiler has changed name from mql.exe to cpp.exe, it is the same as build 610, and from its size it is probably just a stub/wrapper that calls the main compiler?

$ md5sum cpp.exe mql.exe
76ca9dad39fc4ea2904fada6ad90e7b1 *cpp.exe <-- build 614 I suspect
76ca9dad39fc4ea2904fada6ad90e7b1 *mql.exe <-- build 610

Build 614/616 attempt to compile from an Administrator console:

C:\Program Files (x86)\MetaTrader 4>cpp.exe "MQL4\Experts\MACD Sample.mq4"
MQL4/MQL5 Compiler launcher build 887 (13 Feb 2014)
Copyright 2001-2014, MetaQuotes Software Corp.
MQL Compiler library loading failed

Build 610 compile OK

C:\Program Files (x86)\MetaTrader 4 -2>mql.exe "MQL4\Experts\MACD Sample.mq4"
MQL4/MQL5 Compiler launcher build 887 (13 Feb 2014)
Copyright 2001-2014, MetaQuotes Software Corp.
MQL Compiler library build 887
MQL4\Experts\MACD Sample.mq4 : information: Compiling 'MACD Sample.mq4'
Result: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s)
Time: 109 ms


It looks like my mql.dll has gone missing. I copied it in from my 610 build and it now compiles. But I'd like to make sure I have the latest one. I'm not sure if it disappeared during the last few upgrades (610,614,616) or if I did it by accident. I cant see anything in my AV logs either ...

I'll do some more checks ...

EDIT: Just upgraded a 610 to 616 and it deleted mql.exe and mql.dll - and didn't install a cpp.exe either ? (That may have been installed by the 614 install that was skipped this time around).

The metaeditor compilation works fine but the command line doesnt. I'm using the files from the 610 build in the meantime... (made a safe copy of mql.exe, mql.dll and MQL/ and using that for now..), however if it doesn't come back in subsequent updates then it looks like no more command line compiling?

Judging by the file sizes It looks like mql.dll has been assimilated by metaeditor.exe in 616.


metaeditor.exe 2358K

mql.dll 1053K

mql.exe 405K


metaeditor.exe 3454K

mql.dll - gone

mql.exe - gone?


Judging by the file sizes It looks like mql.dll has been assimilated by metaeditor.exe in 616.

I think you are right (though mql.exe and mql.dll continue to exist, unchanged, in my installation after updating to v616).

If you copy the new metaeditor into a directory by itself, and then run it, it can successfully compile source code. Not the case with earlier versions of metaeditor.

As you say, there now seems to be no way of compiling files from the command line - apart, obviously, from continuing to use old versions of mql.exe


... Latest help file for metaeditor continues to say "The client terminal includes the compiler of MQL4/MQL5 programs that runs separately from MetaEditor — MQL.exe. It is located in the terminal installation folder."

I suppose it's possible that mql.exe shouldn't have been deleted from your installation (it hasn't been deleted from mine). It's possible that the compilation is now built into metaeditor, but is also meant to be available as a standalone mql.exe, and that there is no new version of mql.exe since v610.


Thanks. Lets hope it comes back then..

I Just tried again on W7 64bit,

  1. downloaded mt4setup from banner at the top of the page,
  2. Installed it to a new folder under Program Files x86
  3. it installed 610(with mql.exe),
  4. I ran terminal.exe - cancelled account dialogs, then windows UAC prompts for upgrade.
  5. I allow the upgrade, and terminal closes, mql.exe and mql.dll disappear, and terminal re-opens as 616
  6. no alerts in AV logs.

Thanks. Lets hope it comes back then..

I was forgetting that I have been, er, overriding the update process. I wouldn't know if anything gets deleted.

I've tried all sorts of command-line options for metaeditor, but I can't find anything which makes it compile an .mq4 file rather than just opening it.


For your information.

Console compiler MQL4/MQL5 stayed updated with the platform MetaTrader 4/5 and is always available on the links:


DLL files are no longer needed him.


Thanks, working nicely ...

MQL4/MQL5 Compiler build 910 (07 Mar 2014)
Copyright 2001-2014, MetaQuotes Software Corp.

Translated link.


For your information.

Console compiler MQL4/MQL5 stayed updated with the platform MetaTrader 4/5 and is always available on the links:


So, the compiler won't be included in the standard distribution (installation with mt4setup.exe and/or update with LiveUpdate from the broker server)?
And, the way to get the compiler (as mentioned by angevoyageur) will be the official way, and be documented somewhere?


I had asked Service Desk, and I'm waiting for the response.

I'll share the response if I get it.