The new build does not always re-initialise after compilation - page 2


Does it continue to happen if you close out MT4 entirely and restart it ? Also check in task manager that you dont have more than one terminal.exe process running from the same instance of MT4.


You got me all excited there, since it seemed like a pretty plausible shot in the dark, but no, it did not work. I changed both deinit and init to the new syntax, but that did not make a difference.

A clue might be that I also find the MQL editor extremely unstable since the upgrade. Sometimes I have to click on Modify on an EA several times before the editor opens. Sometimes I get an error message (don't remember what right now) when I open the editor. Sometimes the compile button gets disabled the first time I compile. So it seems very shaky. And this is like it has lost connection with the terminal, so that when I click compile in the editor, nothing happens in the terminal.

What you described seems more an issue with your computer than with MT4. What is your configuration ? What % of your CPU is used ? Do you have enough free space on your hard disk ?

Does it continue to happen if you close out MT4 entirely and restart it ? Also check in task manager that you dont have more than one terminal.exe process running from the same instance of MT4.

Restart does not help. I have three terminals open and there is one process for each terminal.
What you described seems more an issue with your computer than with MT4. What is your configuration ? What % of your CPU is used ? Do you have enough free space on your hard disk ?

It's a VPS running Windows Server 2008. CPU is pending between 30-60%. I have 14GB free harddrive space.

I know it's not the first time I have had this issue since the upgrade, but I can't remember if the other time was also on this VPS or somewhere else.


Restart does not help. I have three terminals open and there is one process for each terminal.
Makes me wonder if it is an issue with running multiple instances. How does that work ? Do you run 3 separate installs or three instances from the same install ?
Makes me wonder if it is an issue with running multiple instances. How does that work ? Do you run 3 separate installs or three instances from the same install ?

I have installed MT4 in three separate folders. But that is something that is standard procedure and something I have been doing for 6 years. It's however the first time I see this problem with EAs not re-initializing after compilation.

I dont doubt your word that you made that work before, but how does all three MT4's use the same Data Folder with the same copy of the file you edit in MetaEditor ? Im thinking you might have all the files in triplicate, a set for each MT4 and if that is the case obviously MetaEditor is only access one of them at a time.


I dont doubt your word that you made that work before, but how does all three MT4's use the same Data Folder with the same copy of the file you edit in MetaEditor ? Im thinking you might have all the files in triplicate, a set for each MT4 and if that is the case obviously MetaEditor is only access one of them at a time.

Ah sorry you misunderstood me. I mentioned the three terminals cause we talked about rouge processes. The EA I am referring to is only on one terminal, on multiple charts within that terminal. And it's when I am recompiling that code I am expecting a re-initialization but I have to restart the terminal in order to make it re-initialize. The other two terminals have nothing to do with this.

Have you found a solution to this problem?  I am experiencing the same thing... Here's an even worse Ex: Deleted an Alert statement in the code and changed some extern variables - on recompile, the new extern variables are loaded when "reset" is pressed in the F7 popup, but when running, the Alert statement was still being executed.  So, had there been substantive changes to the code, which code would it be running?

I am re-naming the EA with every change I make at this point - which also necessitates removing the old EA and adding the new one to the chart for every iteration.  Very time consuming when trying to debug/test...  Any thoughts?