MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal build 610 - page 18


Every time that I close the program and re-open it, it writes to another Folder and I end up having to re-install my charts. It is freaking weird - it takes 32 seconds to respond to a command.

Wow Hercs. I feel for you... I am interested in what is happening to your platform as well. I'm not exactly sure what you mean that it writes to another folder. Are you telling us that if you open your platform 3 times you now have 3 separate MQL4 folders or what? Let's get some info to get a better idea of your situation..

What version of windows are you running?

Do you have UAC Disabled?

If you open MetaTrader with NO charts loaded what is the cpu load?

When you do have charts open do they have any indicators on them that may be causing bloating?
(I think you know better but thought I'd make sure)

If you click "Open Data Folder" where is it?

I'd really like to see what we can learn from your situation that may help you and other..
As was mentioned this problem you are having does not seem to be a widespread issue with this release..
Give us some more info and maybe just maybe .. some guru here will have an AHA moment and see what your problem is..
PipPip.. Jimdandy


I just got interesting message:


the test result id fail to report!

the Optimization Test Result Complete different with the single test! need to do any more test....

waste time.....


the test result id fail to report!

the Optimization Test Result Complete different with the single test! need to do any more test....

waste time.....

Can post some evidence of what you claim ?

I just got interesting message:

Have you tried reinstallation the .NET Framework ?
Have you tried reinstallation the .NET Framework ?

No, I do not even know what .NET is...

I have my TradeFader Ea trading on a vps on a demo Gallant Mt4 509 account for months now .. I am wanting to update the platform and recompile and modify the code so that it is 610 compatible. I have restarted the platform to see if it would update but it is not doing an upgrade on it's own. I guess gallant is not pushing it. How do I go about intentionally upgrading it. If I take the download from this site and tell it to install in the same location as my TradeFader platform will it wipe it out or just change what needs changed, make the new directory structure, copy files etc.....?

Or is the wise thing to make a fresh install and put the Ea, custom indicator and dll in their appropriate locations of the newly made platform folder then, log in with my Gallant credentials and see what blows up? I have many custom indicators and scripts and things in the original folder but I guess I can move them all if that's the way it needs to be done.

I have played with the EA on my local machine and modified the code successfully so I think I have a good 610 compatible file and would like to do the same on the vps for the learning experience before I try it with the real money Ea that's running there.

Somebody educate me... PipPip>>>Jimdandy


No, I do not even know what .NET is...
Nothing that has to do with your problem.

How do I go about intentionally upgrading it.

Somebody educate me... PipPip>>>Jimdandy

I guess:

  • backup
  • backup
  • download latest build from the Banner at the top
  • Install to a different location (unless you really want to test the upgrade process???)
  • log in with credentials

I'd keep everything separate if possible.


It is going to be a disaster if the version update is not controlled by customer them self. everything is wrong now.

library not working, Charts shut without notice, Old indicator not working.