MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal build 610 - page 4


:) just a little bit

"'gda_1124' - illegal switch expression type"

switch (gda_1124[ai_0][ai_4][0])

I have no idea about this!

Only integers can be used with switch currently.

BTW, how did you come to such strange variable names? How can you remember what they represent?


:) just a little bit

"'gda_1124' - illegal switch expression type"

switch (gda_1124[ai_0][ai_4][0])

I have no idea about this!

It's what arrives when someone use DECOMPILED code.

So you are using stolen code and yet you are complaining about Metaquotes, because you can't no more enjoy the work of others.

I strongly suggest you to not continue to post about that on this forum.


My indicator worked before the update. Now MT4 does not recognize it.

When I try to compile the indicator so MT4 will read it, I get a whole bunch of errors.

I have provided a screenshot below.

Who is the goto person or what is the goto thread for this kind of problem?

Thanks for your help.


Why do you want to recompile it ? Mainly if your are not a coder it's better to simply use the old .ex4 compiled with build 509. It works in almost all cases.


It's what arrives when someone use DECOMPILED code.

So you are using stolen code and yet you are complaining about Metaquotes, because you can't no more enjoy the work of others.

I strongly suggest you to not continue to post about that on this forum.

I paid for them to do for me, I have the code and EX4, if I want it to run in the new mt4 build 610, I have to pay again to fix!

before speaking that I stole, or was repainted, ask first, it sickens to see when someone asks for help and has one and is saying it's stolen, not everyone is a thief, and I do not ask this d*** patch!


I paid for them to do for me, I have the code and EX4, if I want it to run in the new mt4 build 610, I have to pay again to fix!

before speaking that I stole, or was repainted, ask first, it sickens to see when someone asks for help and has one and is saying it's stolen, not everyone is a thief, and I do not ask this d*** patch!

What you posted here is decompiled code. I don't said your are a thief, I said you are using stolen code.

  • Either you paid for an .ex4 and not for the code, then you decompile it yourself.
  • Or you paid someone who provides you stolen decompiled code.

In all cases, you will not receive help for that on this forum.

rogertsc: I paid for them to do for me, I have the code and EX4, if I want it to run in the new mt4 build 610, I have to pay again to fix! before speaking that I stole, or was repainted, ask first, it sickens to see when someone asks for help and has one and is saying it's stolen, not everyone is a thief, and I do not ask this d*** patch!

It is Decompiled Codes. We do-not support Decompiled Codes on this forum. Please do-not continue posting such codes. Return to your vendor for your money or source-codes.

Thank you for your understanding.

I said, I paid, the person created, sent me two files, is full of things I do not understand anything, but keep quiet I'll pay for him to arrange for you to go back to work, if you do not want to help not criticize, you do not know me and do not know how one works! code is not stolen, nor know how to do this!

What you posted here is decompiled code. I don't said your are a thief, I said you are using stolen code.

  • Either you paid for an .ex4 and not for the code, then you decompile it yourself.
  • Or you paid someone who provides you stolen decompiled code.

In all cases, you will not receive help for that on this forum.


It is Decompiled Codes. We do-not support Decompiled Codes on this forum. Please do-not continue posting such codes. Return to your vendor for your money or source-codes.

think what they want, are not obliged to help, if we do not want to take care of your problems before you criticize others without really knowing what's going on!
I said, I paid, the person created, sent me two files, is full of things I do not understand anything, but keep quiet I'll pay for him to arrange for you to go back to work, if you do not want to help not criticize, you do not know me and do not know how one works! code is not stolen, nor know how to do this!
think what they want, are not obliged to help, if we do not want to take care of your problems before you criticize others without really knowing what's going on!

I replied you with the explanation above. You got help from us.
The uninstaller still leaves several directories in the install dir, even when I start uninstall right after install is finished.

I discovered a strange aspect of improved performance: I tested my terminals after startup for my systems.

A completely identical configuration and everything consumes approx. 33% more memory on build 610 than on 509.

one: 107.564 K (509) -> 141.852 K (610)

another: 111.364 K (509) -> 148.936 K (610)

I don't see why this brutal increase is necessary, but this surely makes a lot of my work on smaller memory usage useless.

At least I will have to buy more memory or use other computers for the same tasks.

keep up the good work :-)