Some help needed - page 7


Really? Leaving a question you can answer to someone else doesn't seem cliquishness/elitist to you?

Would you have us believe that your skills/time is too good wasted on basic questions?

Spare me the clichés. If someone wants to truly help, they help and ignore the drama.

No I explained the reason in the same post. You chose it ignore it.

ydrol: There a many times I don't bother to answer more straight forward MQL questions because I know that someone would come along and answer it REGARDLESS.

If I'm a little busy on a basic MQL question, I'm sure someone else will come along an answer anyway. Is that so wrong?

I was communication why if the main active contributors took a back seat as you suggested then there would still be a good flow of answers.

ubzen - I think you are just choosing not to understand what I wrote properly?

ubzen: Would you have us believe that your skills/time is too good wasted on basic questions?

The irony is I have a response to some basic MQL in this very thread, and here, so I guess you are not following my point at all

Or do you expect that we must all always answer every question we can if we have time?

Odd that this is the point that jumps out at you amid all this discussion!

From a moderation point-of-view, how are we suppose to in-force being rude.

Simple, apply the spirit of the rules not the actual rules whatever the spirit may happen to be on a Monday . . .

In defence of Raptor, I believe that he can be blunt at times, but usually not outright rude.

I don't really see a problem with his style, but I see time and time again that he takes the time to answer a question and the op totally ignores it.

Maybe it is because he doesn't always answer the question directly, but gives the op a nudge in the right direction. This means that the op may have to put in a little thought to arrive at the complete answer and there is nothing wrong with that. Unfortunately so many can't be bothered to try to extend themselves and simply want the solution handed to them on a plate.

I think that Raptor's approach is a good way, give a nudge, make the asker think and help him/her become a better coder.

Thank you, I'm glad what I try to do is not lost on everyone

No I explained the reason in the same post. You chose it ignore it.

If I'm a little busy on a basic MQL question, I'm sure someone else will come along an answer anyway. Is that so wrong?

I was communication why if the main active contributors took a back seat as you suggested then there would still be a good flow of answers.

ubzen - I think you are just choosing not to understand what I wrote properly?

I believe I understand you properly. Should you not-think that I understand you then I apologize.

Within your earlier comments, it wasn't obvious that you're helping out with another mql4 question ... and then ... leaving another to someone else.

We (moderators) are trying to help solve problems || concerns which have come-up within this thread and numerous times before.

I don't know if you're saying we shouldn't do anything about it.

I was communication why if the main active contributors took a back seat as you suggested then there would still be a good flow of answers.

Sure, thats why I'm giving them the message.

Answer questions the way the masses wants ... otherwise someone else will answer it.

I cannot tell them to answer the questions and then nit-pick about how they choose to answer them.

There is a golden-rule, "If someone cannot say something nice ... then they shouldn't say something at all".

Lastly, being rude will not be tolerated by any member.

I believe this-is a fair and even-handed way of handling this situation.


There is a golden-rule, "If someone cannot say something nice ... then they shouldn't say something at all".

Yes I learn it from Thumper's mother in Bambi
angevoyageur: Yes I learn it from Thumper's mother in Bambi
Thats probably where I got it from also. .
Bother me ? perhaps you didn't read what I wrote . . . I said your and Jimdandy's participation was a good thing . . . keep doing it. Help more . . . I'm happy if you do.

It's not what you wrote, it's the sarcasm implied. But it really doesn't matter. Just saying. Is my understanding is wrong this time ? Time will tell. I'm looking forward to the day

when all comments will follow the same rule, state what you have to say, explain it and post code . I for one will not be bothered to read a post just to say " use the SRC button".



It's not what you wrote, it's the sarcasm implied. But it really doesn't matter. Just saying. Is my understanding is wrong this time ? Time will tell. I'm looking forward to the day

when all comments will follow the same rule, state what you have to say, explain it and post code . I for one will not be bothered to read a post just to say " use the SRC button".


This is what I actually wrote . . .

It's good that you and Jimdandy have plenty of free time to spend here helping people

. . . if you read sarcasm into that then I'm sorry, but the problem is with you not me.

Don't you think Users should use the SRC facility ?


This is what I actually wrote . . .

. . . if you read sarcasm into that then I'm sorry, but the problem is with you not me.

Don't you think Users should use the SRC facility ?

I do believe that new users should be allowed to learn the rules of this forum and not expected to know it all form the first post. I'm not going to argue with you about what is and what isn't a polite way to ask someone to do something.

And I do feel that the " have plenty of free time " remark was somewhat used in a derogatory way " . That and some other comments on the forum, some of them from moderators suggesting that "we should step back and let them answer every question " .

Contrary to popular belief, I don't live in a tree painted in yellow in some poor country in Africa and I get it when the moderators refer to themselves, to you and some other guys, as "we". But that's a different story.

Let's say for now that you are truly happy that other people got involved in this forum and I've got it wrong, ok.

So, yes, use the SRC button and let moderators do their job.


Don't use tickvalue by itself

   if (Digits == 5 || Digits == 3)
      pipValue = (MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_TICKSIZE));
      pipValue = (MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_TICKVALUE));
   Slippage = pipValue*MaxSlippage;
   TP = pipValue*Limit_TP;
   SL = pipValue*Limit_SL;
Is this code ok? if not then please write some code instead of link, i am still confused.