Some help needed - page 5


Amen ++ brother. I've seen the same thing going on and it looks so ugly. Don't lose hope, you're not alone .

Sadly, most people after getting destructive comments don't return. Who can blame them?

The power of the internet comes with a price tag. One needs to PeopleSelect(SelectByIntentions) and never forget where he/she started.

And if PeopleSelect () = "not genuine " we can always AttentionShift (ignore);

It was a pleasure reading your post.

Keep in mind that " No good deed goes unpunished". Such is life. Amen++ again.

As I wrote earlier, I agree with that, and we will change that.


Not surprisingly, some of the code guru who are so ready to put everybody down and dislike others who provide free help, have a reason !!!

If I give you one guess, would it be " money "? Because that is what it's all about for them.

They're not here to help. They're here to say " you'll never get it done so pay up ". Some even ask for it :

"deVries 2013.02.02 12:28 #

Your message to me I can give you the full code directly.....

That won't be for free. For that you have to use Jobs section and pay to get it...

Don't believe me ? Here's the link :

Well, well. How about that ?!! Surprised? Not me.

Here, I suggest you to be more careful. Do not write things that you can not be sure please, otherwise you behave exactly like those who you blame. "Guru" are helping a lot of people here and all have not to be rejected.
angevoyageur: To put the record straight. I fully agree with Jimdandy. The atmosphere of this forum is too often bad, this has to be changed, and I will employ myself in this direction. Everyone should be comfortable to ask questions. And everyone can respond in its own way, or by providing the answer directly or trying to push the OP to learn.

If I'm WHRoeder || RaptorUK, I would take a back-seat.

Its just a matter of time before Mq single you out as bad-guys.

If these new guys want to spend hours answering questions, I suggest that we let them.

Whenever people gets corrected, they become defensive.

One guy got corrected about the proper manner of inserting code && documentation and he writes a book.

Another guy got a thumbs-up for his time|patience and he views that as sarcasm & starts name-calling.


I would remove the following references when-ever I see them.


- Learn to Code

- Use SRC

- Contact Job

- Search the Forum

- Show Your Code

- I'll update this list accordingly


Sorry this couldn't be handle through a PM. I'm trying to keep the process transparent.

Lets see how this goes.


To put the record straight.

I fully agree with Jimdandy and ydrol. The atmosphere of this forum is too often bad, this has to be changed, and I will employ myself in this direction.

Everyone should be comfortable to ask questions. And everyone can respond in its own way, or by providing the answer directly or trying to push the OP to learn.

And I cannot agree more with you. Any newbie is overwhelmed by this strange new language and should feel welcomed on this forum.

Thank you .


If I'm WHRoeder || RaptorUK, I would take a back-seat.

Its just a matter of time before Mq single you out as bad-guys.

If these new guys want to spend hours answering questions, I suggest that we let them.

Whenever people gets corrected, they become defensive.

One guy got corrected about the proper manner of inserting code && documentation and he writes a book.

Another guy got a thumbs-up for his time|patience and he views that as sarcasm & start name-calling.


I would remove the following references when-ever I see them.


- Learn to Code

- Use SRC

- Contact Job

- Search the Forum

- Show Your Code

- I'll update this list accordingly


Sorry this couldn't be handle through a PM. I'm trying to keep the process transparent.

Lets see how this goes.

Ubzen, please calm down. Things are clear and transparent. There is obviously a problem with the atmosphere on this forum. Some times ago, someone said me, not by internet but directly in my office, that WHRoeder and RaptorUK are very rude and he don't like to ask question on the forum. Some others users reports similar things, so there is obviously a problem, don't you agree ?
As I wrote earlier, I agree with that, and we will change that.

Here, I suggest you to be more careful. Do not write things that you can not be sure please, otherwise you behave exactly like those who you blame. "Guru" are helping a lot of people here and all have not to be rejected.

I'm starting to like you angevoyageur for this : "As I wrote earlier, I agree with that, and we will change that."

And for that, I'm going to let go of " That won't be for free... and pay to get it... which is clearly advertising.

I for one will be happy to feel good coming to this forum whenever I have time.


Just for the record, Sometimes RaptorUK is polite too!
Ubzen, please calm down. Things are clear and transparent. There is obviously a problem with the atmosphere on this forum. Some times ago, someone said me, not by internet but directly in my office, that WHRoeder and RaptorUK are very rude and he don't like to ask question on the forum. Some others users reports similar things, so there is obviously a problem, don't you agree ?

  • RTFM has to be proscribed from this forum.
  • Learn to code also, there are ways to say things to people.
  • I can't see a problem with : Please use SRC button.
  • Contact Job is an option, not a problem. But if someone want to provide code for free to a non coder, he has to feel free to do it.
  • Search the forum is also an option, but people asking question here often don't know how to search.
  • Show your code : Can you show your code, most of the time it's not possible to help someone without viewing the code.
  • I'll update this list accordingly : I miss the point here.

All of that is most of the time elementary politeness, I wonder if some use replying rudely here have the same behaviour in "real" live ?

angevoyageur: Ubzen, please calm down. Things are clear and transparent. There is obviously a problem with the atmosphere on this forum. Some times ago, someone said me, not by internet but directly in my office, that WHRoeder and RaptorUK are very rude and he don't like to ask question on the forum. Some others users reports similar things, so there is obviously a problem, don't you agree ?

Well I do agree there is a problem. People want Customer-Service level responses on the forum. They do-not want smart-ass answers which makes them feel stupid. WHRoeder and RaptorUK follow the rules (in terms of not cussing). If RaptorUK and WHRoeder are rude, then every Moderator and Most Very-Active Member I've seen with my time upon this forum has also been rude. Someone might even throw me in that list because I said SRC || Jobs || Search.

I'm just trying to help solve the problem by taking out the list of things which Spark this topic.

Mandating that People* be nice is very vague. You'll have a hard-time policing the Nice rule.

What do you think?


Well I do agree there is a problem. People want Customer-Service level responses on the forum. They do-not want smart-ass answers which makes them feel stupid. WHRoeder and RaptorUK follow the rules (in terms of not cussing). If RaptorUK and WHRoeder are rude, then every Moderator and Most Very-Active Member I've seen with my time upon this forum has also been rude. Someone might even throw me in that list because I said SRC || Jobs || Search.

I'm just trying to help solve the problem by taking out the list of things which Spark this topic.

Its not perfect and I'm hoping you have some ideas about what should or shouldn't be said.

Mandating that People* be nice is very vague. You'll have a hard-time policing the Nice rule.

What do you think?

I don't have all answers. Sometimes, I was also rude and that can again arrives, nobody is perfect. But if we agree that this forum can be improved, especially on the atmosphere issue, we will find a way to do it. And all users are welcomed to participate to this improvements, particularly WHRoder, RaptorUK as they were named, but every active user.

You know, every day, I begin to reply to some post and after some reflections, I simply discard my answer. No need for sarcasm or negative posts, I am working on that every day. And I understand very well why WHRoeder is sometimes rude, it's not always easy for an advanced user/programmer to understand other people. But we have to move forward and try to make this forum a better place to communicate about trading, programming and all being related.


Amen ++ brother. I've seen the same thing going on and it looks so ugly. Don't lose hope, you're not alone .

Sadly, most people after getting destructive comments don't return. Who can blame them?

The power of the internet comes with a price tag. One needs to PeopleSelect(SelectByIntentions) and never forget where he/she started.

And if PeopleSelect () = "not genuine " we can always AttentionShift (ignore);

It was a pleasure reading your post.

Keep in mind that " No good deed goes unpunished". Such is life. Amen++ again.


Not surprisingly, some of the code guru who are so ready to put everybody down and dislike others who provide free help, have a reason !!!

If I give you one guess, would it be " money "? Because that is what it's all about for them.

They're not here to help. They're here to say " you'll never get it done so pay up ". Some even ask for it :

"deVries 2013.02.02 12:28 #

Your message to me I can give you the full code directly.....

That won't be for free. For that you have to use Jobs section and pay to get it...

Don't believe me ? Here's the link :

Well, well. How about that ?!! Surprised? Not me.

Go read that whole topic and tell me what it is I'm doing wrong ....

did i say or wrote " you'll never get it done so pay up ".

leave the words in its contest they were written

no he asked me for the program i made to get it for free

it was not my intention to sell it

it was my intention helping him making that program on its own

if people want others programming their programs then they can go to Jobs

(and ofcours now they also can wait for the moment thrdel is making it for them )