Positions closed seconds after they are opened in Build 600. Please help. - page 2

Not long. If anything gets abandoned, it'll probably be that first.

So yeah I get it. Newest language/platform mql4+ ... oldest html_facilities for the next 5-years.
In my opinion . . . it's not a new language, it's just a cut and shut, mql4 bonnet + mql5 boot . . . hurry up and get moved onto MT5 so MT4 can be killed off . . . once you have fixed your code to make it work with mql4.5 it will be easy to move it to mql5.
RaptorUK: In my opinion . . . it's not a new language, it's just a cut and shut, mql4 bonnet + mql5 boot . . . hurry up and get moved onto MT5 so MT4 can be killed off . . . once you have fixed your code to make it work with mql4.5 it will be easy to move it to mql5.
Yeah you're right its crap. I taught all I would have to fix is dots and underscores ... boy was I wrong. This slick way of making people code in mql5_procedural is quite corney. Why go through all this trouble of baby-steps to mql5?
Yeah you're right its crap. I taught all I would have to fix is dots and underscores ... boy was I wrong. This slick way of making people code in mql5_procedural is quite corney. Why go through all this trouble of baby-steps to mql5?
In my opinion . . . the promise of backwards compatibility is there to keep people on board . . . then they find that a few things don't work so they fix them or get them fixed, then gradually they open their eyes to the bounty of mql5 . . then BANG ! ! old mql4 code no longer works, what then ? switch to mql5

Anyway . . . we are getting off topic, best not to do that anymore.
I do not know . . . but I suspect not. How long do you think "old" mql4 code is going to be supported ?

Renat worte on Russian forum it can be a year, dependently of the situation.
In my opinion . . . the promise of backwards compatibility is there to keep people on board . . . then they find that a few things don't work so they fix them or get them fixed, then gradually they open their eyes to the bounty of mql5 . . then BANG ! ! old mql4 code no longer works, what then ? switch to mql5

Anyway . . . we are getting off topic, best not to do that anymore.

This post and previous are all only assumptions. You can be right, maybe, but I don't think so, anyway, can you please remain on the topic now. Thank you.
Yeah you're right its crap. I taught all I would have to fix is dots and underscores ... boy was I wrong. This slick way of making people code in mql5_procedural is quite corney. Why go through all this trouble of baby-steps to mql5?

Can you be more explicit about "dot and underscores" to fix, the changes are well documented, long time before the release. Of course there are a lot of bugs on this new MT4, though I am not sure it's preventable.

By the way, users who have this problem 'position closed seconds..." have to post more information. It's not very clear until now.

angevoyageur: ...

Can you be more explicit about "dot and underscores" to fix, the changes are well documented, long time before the release. Agree. I was making fun of my perceived simplicity to convert <-- this perception was a long time ago. Anyone who needs the list of reserve_characters can find that post. And if I remember correctly _underscore isn't one of them. I'm talking about behavior of functions changing. I don't mind coding in mql5_procedural its basically an expended version of mql4. I always code with one_hand while holding the documentations in the other_hand. Therefore stuff like parameter changes do-not bother me. What does make life difficult are the changes in behaviors ... this part isn't well documented ... and I fear that it might never be.

Of course there are a lot of bugs on this new MT4, though I am not sure it's preventable ... they should have waited a year. less bugs. I mean, no software is bug-free even old mt4 was considered buggy by allot of know-it-all programmers.

By the way, users who have this problem 'position closed seconds..." have to post more information. It's not very clear until now. Agree.


Can you be more explicit about "dot and underscores" to fix, the changes are well documented, long time before the release. Agree. I was making fun of my perceived simplicity to convert <-- this perception was a long time ago. Anyone who needs the list of reserve_characters can find that post. And if I remember correctly _underscore isn't one of them. I'm talking about behavior of functions changing. I don't mind coding in mql5_procedural its basically an expended version of mql4. I always code with one_hand while holding the documentations in the other_hand. Therefore stuff like parameter changes do-not bother me. What does make life difficult are the changes in behaviors ... this part isn't well documented ... and I fear that it might never be.

Understood. My suggestion would be to create a topic (or topics) about that, if most forum regulars work that could be done fairly easily. What do you think ?

Of course there are a lot of bugs on this new MT4, though I am not sure it's preventable ... they should have waited a year. less bugs. I mean, no software is bug-free even old mt4 was considered buggy by allot of know-it-all programmers.

Maybe, maybe not. Anyway we have to deal with the situation, and as you know I don't like complaining (I know you never complain ;-).

By the way, users who have this problem 'position closed seconds..." have to post more information. It's not very clear until now. Agree.

See this topic.

Understood. My suggestion would be to create a topic (or topics) about that, if most forum regulars work that could be done fairly easily. What do you think ?

Maybe, maybe not. Anyway we have to deal with the situation, and as you know I don't like complaining (I know you never complain ;-).

See this topic.

Ok ... I'll start a topic.