Incredibly Annoying Date Range Bug In Strategy Tester - Solution? - page 2


I understand what you are getting at, but even the High-Powered VPS services suffer under disk-intensive usage. They are after all Virtual services.

Run MT4 from a RAM disk on the VPS! RAM disk software is free, and something like a c3.xlarge gives you 7.5GB to play with - more than sufficient given that I think there's still a 4GB limit on FXT files.

(On EC2, you'd also want to do backtesting from a RAM disk - or at least an instance-store drive - because otherwise the EBS I/O costs would kill you. But all this is going rather off-topic.)


Run MT4 from a RAM disk on the VPS! RAM disk software is free, and something like a c3.xlarge gives you 7.5GB to play with - more than sufficient given that I think there's still a 4GB limit on FXT files.

(On EC2, you'd also want to do backtesting from a RAM disk - or at least an instance-store drive - because otherwise the EBS I/O costs would kill you. But all this is going rather off-topic.)

Yes, you are correct! I use such things myself, but ...

... if "shyftus" is already having such difficulties with some rather classical usage problems with MT4, do you really think he would be savvy enough to be able to manage a Virtual Service of that calibre and carry out all sorts of OS tricks like RAM disks???

Also, mostly everyone here uses their own PC and seem to do OK! No need to complicate things!


Also, mostly everyone here uses their own PC and seem to do OK! No need to complicate things!

(I'm just saying that there are a lot of "weekend users" of MT4, and blanket advice to buy some serious PC just for backtesting often wouldn't be cost-effective for these people. It may not be simple, but it's not that hard - though, heaven knows, the EC2 user experience could be a whole lot friendlier. I did qualify my opening remark by saying that it probably wasn't applicable to shyftus. But it will apply to other people, and I'll bet that there are plenty of users of this forum who would be competent and suitable to use this route, but haven't considered it, and wouldn't consider it when you're saying "don't use a VPS for backtesting". But, yes, you are basically right.)

A note to "shyftus". The reason that I suggested that you should search here on the site for information on how to use "PeriodConverter" correctly is because I do not use the script myself.

For my own use, I wrote my own code in "C++" so as to automate the writing out of History Files directly from Tick Data ASCII files which I obtain regularly for many currency pairs.

(I'm just saying that there are a lot of "weekend users" of MT4, and blanket advice to buy some serious PC just for backtesting often wouldn't be cost-effective for these people. It may not be simple, but it's not that hard - though, heaven knows, the EC2 user experience could be a whole lot friendlier.)

Are you saying that these "Weekend users" don't even have a basic PC at home or at work? Even an average PC can be used for back-testing. Might take longer, but it does the job. I certainly don't have any special high-capacity PC and I do fine in my back-tests.

I said to "get serious", because he was using an "Android device". If someone can afford an "Android device" (a tablet, judging from the screen shot) then they can most likely also afford an average PC. That is all I suggested, not some heavy duty gamers dream - just a standard, average PC.


Are you saying that [...]

(You did say "get a good PC", so we're both starting from the assumption that someone has something which isn't ideal for backtesting. I'm agreeing with you. Just not 100%, since we are on a forum where there are technologically competent people who don't do that much backtesting per month.)


(You did say "get a good PC", so we're both starting from the assumption that someone has something which isn't ideal for backtesting. I'm agreeing with you. Just not 100%, since we are on a forum where there are technologically competent people who don't do that much backtesting per month.)

Yes, I did use the word "good", but not the word "powerful" - there is a difference!

(You did say "get a good PC", so we're both starting from the assumption that someone has something which isn't ideal for backtesting. I'm agreeing with you. Just not 100%, since we are on a forum where there are technologically competent people who don't do that much backtesting per month.)

Also, I repeat - he is using an Android Device and a VPS - So that the assumption is that he does not even have a PC in the first place! Ergo - Get a good PC!
Yes, I did use the word "good", but not the word "powerful" - there is a difference!
I'd ask what the difference is in the context of backtesting, but I think we - mostly me - have diverted this topic for long enough! Apologies to shyftus.
I'd ask what the difference is in the context of backtesting, but I think we - mostly me - have diverted this topic for long enough! Apologies to shyftus.
Agreed! My apologies to "shyftus" too!