mt4 600 metaeditor look up definition not working


The "go to definition" is not working.

i've tried highlighting the word, then right-clicking. I've also tried only right-clicking with the cursor on the word. No luck.

but F1 key seems to work after downloading the helpfile and restarting mE twice.


The "go to definition" is not working.

i've tried highlighting the word, then right-clicking. I've also tried only right-clicking with the cursor on the word. No luck.

but F1 key seems to work after downloading the helpfile and restarting mE twice.

DoubleToStr() is a build-in function you can't go to the definition. Go to Definition is for your custom function(). From Help file (User guide of MetaEditor).

Go To Definition

This function allows to automatically move to the declaration or definition of the selected function or variable. If the definition or declaration is in another file, then this file will be opened and the mouse cursor will be moved to the corresponding position. This function also allows to move to the include files (#include).

In order to go to definition one should place the cursor at a parameter and execute the " Go To Definition" command in the "Edit" menu, in the "Standard" toolbar or use the"Alt+G" key combination. In order to go to an include file one should place the cursor at the line where it is declared and execute one of the commands mentioned above.

If you need help then click on a keyword and press F1.


Do not highlight the enter text,

just put cursor midway between the function and click Alt+g