Can i code with the new Metatarder 4 same like before?



today i did wonder little bit because the Metaeditor have change, when i click compilere my old EA code does not get compilere. Can i not use any more the old codeing language and the old editor?



today i did wonder little bit because the Metaeditor have change, when i click compilere my old EA code does not get compilere. Can i not use any more the old codeing language and the old editor?

Yes you can . . . please show some of your code.
Hello, how can i code like before? how can i use the old meta editor? I think you dont need really to see my code or? because it is a very simple mql4 code, the problem is just that in the new metaeditor everythink looks different and when i click the "compiliere" button in the new editor, then it dont show me the messages no error, and such thinks, it does write me the message "cannot create interface of MQL compiler"
Hello, how can i code like before? how can i use the old meta editor? I think you dont need really to see my code or? because it is a very simple mql4 code, the problem is just that in the new metaeditor everythink looks different and when i click the "compiliere" button in the new editor, then it dont show me the messages no error, and such thinks, it does write me the message "cannot create interface of MQL compiler"
Pity you didn't put that in your first post . . . are you using Avira AntiVirus ? read this and the folloing posts.
yes i am using Avira Anitvirus, i will read that, thank you for the info.

Hello again, i think i have another problem, in the link they discuss because of upgrade problems, but my MT4 is already upgrade, i have already the newest version build 600.

I have atatch a picture below where you can see what for a error message i get from the editor.

I would be happt when somebody can give advise how to slove this.


Hello again, i think i have another problem, in the link they discuss because of upgrade problems, but my MT4 is already upgrade, i have already the newest version build 600.

I have atatch a picture below where you can see what for a error message i get from the editor.

I would be happt when somebody can give advise how to slove this.

You haven't attached an image . . .

here is a link to the picture, it looks like attachment have not work:

Here is also the picture as upload


Here is also the picture as upload

It's a DLL issue, the DLL has not been registered due to your Antivirus. You can set an exception in your Antivirus, then install a new copy of MT4 to a new temporary folder and get it updated to build 600, this should allow the DLL to be registered and your original install of MT4 and MetaEditor should then work.
it would be helpfull when somebody can show how to activate the use of the mql.dll in the Antivirus Software.