Cant log in to MQL5


Hi, Even when I try and reset my password it says my email does not exist!!! Anyone else having problems?


It looks like my account got deleted, I can see my products but my user account is unclickable and my name isnt there anymore....

Please help! I have products and a signal! Why, Why Why???



Banned for 'кардер' till 2024.02.01 02:05 <--------- I have that message at the top of my screen and according to google translate it translates to "carder" But I have done no such activity!!! The only thing I ever bought was a few credits to use the cloud and it was my very own legit credit card! I have sold some products which I proudly authored and if a stolen card was used to purchase, I certainly had nothing to do with that! Perhaps the person claiming the commission? What should I do to rectify?

Someone please help!

Now they banned my new account i had to create just to ask service desk at the mql5 site what happened! Please, I havent done anything wrong! Someone has made a mistake! I have authored good products from scratch that I put my heart and soul in to and am willing/wanting to support.
I am a contributor, i am a programmer and love to program and trade, I am not a criminal. Someone has made a mistake.

Please help
Benjamin Dixon

This is a forum for users and I do not believe anyone here has really any say in such matters.

If you believe you have a rightful claim and have been wrongly banned then why not contact MetaQuotes directly <>?

Sorry, so stressed out and dont know what to do. I have sent numerous messages off to them and I guess all the offices are closed atm but Ill try calling in a few hours or monday.

Update: My original message to service desk, which simply asked why I cant log in, was only responded to with a fresh ban (although not an account deletion like last one) and the note about being a "carder" appearing on the upper part of my screen when signed in to my second account. Also my ability to even contact service desk was revoked on that account. A mod on the mql5 site was kind enough to respond in a PM and suggested that I could only contact service desk to resolve the matter.... But in order to do this, I had to resort to creating yet a 3rd account on the mql5 site after some problems with all my IP's at home being banned. I finally got signed up and sent this letter to service desk:

Please respond. I have been falsely accused of being a "carder" I am an avid trader and programmer and a contributor to your site and am not involved in any stolen credit card activity. My EA's are legitimate and I built them for the purpose to trade on my own account but later decided to try and sell a few copies to give my trading account a boost. I can not even think of any good reasons why you would think I am a "carder." Perhaps my first sales were from a stolen credit card? I can see how that would be suspicious but I can assure you that if that was the case, I am purely a victim. My account is also fairly new but u can see I was not in any hurry to withdrawa my credits i earned, you can see I have been making updates to my product as well as posting new settings in the comments area. I am proud of my products and would like to be able to support them. Please reinvestigate my case and investigate the people earning a commission, I am innocent. Anothr slightly suspicious thing may be that my cloud account is being contributed to from other IP's. this is because I have a server at my dads house as well as 3 alternate methods to connect from my own house (in case 1 or 2 goes down, the internet is very important when you play poker and trade for a living online)I can assure you that all of the boxes connected to and contributing to the cloud are my own hardware. I don't really know what else to say here... please reinvestgate! I have never used any stolen credit cards, only my own credit card in my own name has been used on my account, there must be some mistake!

In case this thread gets deleted or locked, (not sure why it would but then again not sure why I did get accused of "carder" on the mql5 site.) I will certainly be opening a new thread at forexfactory if a call to the office on monday does not rectify. If anyone wants an update to my matter, I am endo77 on forex factory. My real name is Benjamin Dixon, I am a real person, I signed up using my own ID and credit card and I have nothing to hide!


I called the Australia office and they tell me that that probably the only thing to do is email which I have already done on Friday and still no response...
I am completely outraged. I worked my *** off to get my products ready for the new version of mql4 store in time for the opening!

It seems like sellers and signal providers should be aware that their accounts/credits/products are in danger of mql5 deciding to confiscate with no logical explanation for days!!!!

btw I have never been labeled a scammer on any forum for instance, I am "endo" @, "endo77" at



I have heard back from them. they have requested some identity proof which i have now sent in....

Account restored. Apology given but explanation not. All of my sales have been reversed so I presume they all were stolen credit card sales.