"while", what's wrong in my code? - page 2


if(cc>1 || cc == 0){    When is this condition ever going to be false?

When cc =1, the following part will be reached.

I think this bug is because I put "ObjectCreate("test09msg",OBJ_TEXT,0,t,WindowPriceMax());" outside/before "while()...", so variable "t" is empty/zero.


It works perfect. I can learn a lot from your code. And I have to form a good process of debugging.... random try this and that won't help. Sometimes I have to calm down to find fault. LOL.

Exactly, sounds like you are learning some valuable lessons, keep this thought foremost in your mind
No it will not. cc == 1 the if calls sleep and the continue goes back to the top of the while.

I wrote another example script to test:

int start()
int cc=1;
while( !(IsTesting() || IsStopped()) ) {
   if(cc>1 || cc == 0){       //  When is this condition ever going to be false?
    Comment("inside if");

I see "reached".


I wrote another example script to test:

I see "reached".

Of course, if cc=1 the if condition is false.
No it will not. cc == 1 the if calls sleep and the continue goes back to the top of the while.

cc = 1 does not make . . .

(cc > 1 || cc == 0)

. . . true. cc is not greater than 1 and it is not equal to 0

RaptorUK: cc = 1 does not make . . .
(cc > 1 || cc == 0)
What happened to that greater or equal sign I imagined seeing all day? Shame
RaptorUK: cc = 1 does not make . . .
What happened to that equal sign I imagined seeing all day?

I think you must have caught my temporary blindness disease . . .

I published this code.
