How to get MT4 574 from MT4 509? - page 3


Raptor, Ok.... after restarting "Open an account" Window comes like I attached. What should I do now? Do I press on cancel button then will logging using username, password and alpari server again??
Nowhere were you told to register or login with your alpari details . . . please re-read this thread . . . you are not making it easy to help you.
Nowhere were you told to register or login with your alpari details . . . please re-read this thread . . . you are not making it easy to help you.

I have just installed another 509 Build and upgraded it to the beta build . . . . follow these instructions TO THE LETTER and it should work . . .

Install the standard MT4 build 509 to a
NEW folder outside of Program Files . . .

when it MT4 starts cancel the Open an Account dialogue box . . .

Click Login, set Login to blank, Password to blank and Server to:

NOW click Open an Account, fill in all the required information, click Next > . . . and you will be able to select the server . . .

. . . now click Next > . . . you now have an a User account on the MetaQuotes demo server. Restart this installation of MT4 . . . when it starts it should automatically close, it is now doing the update, if it doesn't close, restart it again after waiting a few minutes . . . if you have a slow Internet connection you will have to wait a little longer while the update files are downloaded . . . after it closes it updates and will restart itself.

Once it restarts itself you will have the current beta build . . . I have just done exactly what I have described, IT WORKS.


I have just installed another 509 Build and upgraded it to the beta build . . . . follow these instructions TO THE LETTER and it should work . . .

Install the standard MT4 build 509 to a
NEW folder outside of Program Files . . .

when it MT4 starts cancel the Open an Account dialogue box . . .

Click Login, set Login to blank, Password to blank and Server to:

NOW click Open an Account, fill in all the required information, click Next > . . . and you will be able to select the server . . .

. . . now click Next > . . . you now have an a User account on the MetaQuotes demo server. Restart this installation of MT4 . . . when it starts it should automatically close, it is now doing the update, if it doesn't close, restart it again after waiting a few minutes . . . if you have a slow Internet connection you will have to wait a little longer while the update files are downloaded . . . after it closes it updates and will restart itself.

Once it restarts itself you will have the current beta build . . . I have just done exactly what I have described, IT WORKS.

My (dear)2 Raptor, Ummmaaa... have my hug!! ;-)
I don't know how to thank you. You're really helpful! Actually, my words are not enough to appreciate your efforts. I am using now build 574 version.

You have my best warm wish. Things may belongs to you.
My (dear)2 Raptor, Ummmaaa... have my hug!! ;-)
I don't know how to thank you. You're really helpful!

This is why I spend time here . . . to help. You are welcome
This is why I spend time here . . . to help. You are welcome

Keep up good works.... cheers!! ;-) ;-)

I have just installed another 509 Build and upgraded it to the beta build . . . . follow these instructions TO THE LETTER and it should work . . .

Install the standard MT4 build 509 to a
NEW folder outside of Program Files . . .

when it MT4 starts cancel the Open an Account dialogue box . . .

Click Login, set Login to blank, Password to blank and Server to:

NOW click Open an Account, fill in all the required information, click Next > . . . and you will be able to select the server . . .

. . . now click Next > . . . you now have an a User account on the MetaQuotes demo server. Restart this installation of MT4 . . . when it starts it should automatically close, it is now doing the update, if it doesn't close, restart it again after waiting a few minutes . . . if you have a slow Internet connection you will have to wait a little longer while the update files are downloaded . . . after it closes it updates and will restart itself.

Once it restarts itself you will have the current beta build . . . I have just done exactly what I have described, IT WORKS.

Nice instructions RaptorUK, but I can't get it to work, even following the instructions to the letter.

No matter how many times I close and reopen the 509 version (with as server), it refuses to install 574. Remains with 509. I've redone the procedure 3 times and still no luck.

Where did you get your 509 from? Your usual broker I assume.

Any further advice appreciated.


Nice instructions RaptorUK, but I can't get it to work, even following the instructions to the letter.

No matter how many times I close and reopen the 509 version (with as server), it refuses to install 574. Remains with 509. I've redone the procedure 3 times and still no luck.

Where did you get your 509 from? Your usual broker I assume.

Any further advice appreciated.

I got the 509 installer from MetaQuotes . . . here on this page : MetaTrader4

You opened a Demo account with the 509 build ?

Nice instructions RaptorUK, but I can't get it to work, even following the instructions to the letter.

No matter how many times I close and reopen the 509 version (with as server), it refuses to install 574. Remains with 509. I've redone the procedure 3 times and still no luck.

Where did you get your 509 from? Your usual broker I assume.

Any further advice appreciated.

Are waiting long enough to get the update ? You need to have the following entry in your Journal tab.

19:45:43.543 LiveUpdate: new version 4.00 build 579 is available


19:46:36.303 LiveUpdate: finished

When you get the "LiveUpdate: finished" you can restart.

I got the 509 installer from MetaQuotes . . . here on this page : MetaTrader4

You opened a Demo account with the 509 build ?

Still no luck, but thanks RaptorUK

  • Downloaded the 509 from MetaQuotes as per link (thanks).
  • Stopped at the Open an account part.
  • Entered the in the Login box.
  • Waiting....obviously it's not connected at this point.
  • Closed terminal....waiting....opened again......nothing happens to update
  • So, at this point, we're still at 509................I open an account...........choose the server.
  • Now open with metaquotes....still on 509. Nothing happens.
  • Close, reopen. Still 509.

Still no luck, but thanks RaptorUK

  • Downloaded the 509 from MetaQuotes as per link (thanks).
  • Stopped at the Open an account part.
  • Entered the in the Login box.
  • Waiting....obviously it's not connected at this point.
  • Closed terminal....waiting....opened again......nothing happens to update
  • So, at this point, we're still at 509................I open an account...........choose the server.
  • Now open with metaquotes....still on 509. Nothing happens.
  • Close, reopen. Still 509.

Sounds like you are doing it correctly . . . just give it a little time, if you have a slow Internet connection it may take a few minutes to download the update.

I just did another 509 install, after creating an account I get the following in the Journal . . .

2014.01.30 13:45:43 LiveUpdate: finished

2014.01.30 13:45:26 LiveUpdate: new version 4.00 build 579 is available

2014.01.30 13:45:26 '2267510': login

2014.01.30 13:45:25 Experts are disabled because the account has been changed

2014.01.30 13:44:16 MetaTrader 4 build 509 started (MetaQuotes Software Corp.)

you can see the LiveUpdate is done, when I restart the terminal the update will be applied and the terminal should restart itself.

OK, it worked . . .

2014.01.30 13:48:33.561 '2267510': login

2014.01.30 13:48:25.141 Data Folder: 'C:\MT4 Installs\Beta574 - 3'

2014.01.30 13:48:25.141 MetaTrader 4 build 579 started (MetaQuotes Software Corp.)

2014.01.30 13:48:25.017 Migration: data migration finished, no virtual folder

2014.01.30 13:48:25.016 Migration: experts migration finished

2014.01.30 13:48:25.016 Migration: expert images folder updated from 'C:\MT4 Installs\Beta574 - 3\experts\images' to 'C:\MT4 Installs\Beta574 - 3\MQL4\Images'

2014.01.30 13:48:25.016 Migration: expert presets folder updated from 'C:\MT4 Installs\Beta574 - 3\experts\presets' to 'C:\MT4 Installs\Beta574 - 3\MQL4\Presets'

2014.01.30 13:48:25.015 Migration: libraries folder updated from 'C:\MT4 Installs\Beta574 - 3\experts\libraries' to 'C:\MT4 Installs\Beta574 - 3\MQL4\Libraries'

2014.01.30 13:48:25.015 Migration: expert files folder updated from 'C:\MT4 Installs\Beta574 - 3\experts\files' to 'C:\MT4 Installs\Beta574 - 3\MQL4\Files'

2014.01.30 13:48:25.015 Migration: expert logs folder updated from 'C:\MT4 Installs\Beta574 - 3\experts\logs' to 'C:\MT4 Installs\Beta574 - 3\MQL4\Logs'

2014.01.30 13:48:25.015 Migration: scripts folder updated from 'C:\MT4 Installs\Beta574 - 3\experts\scripts' to 'C:\MT4 Installs\Beta574 - 3\MQL4\Scripts'

2014.01.30 13:48:25.015 Migration: indicators folder updated from 'C:\MT4 Installs\Beta574 - 3\experts\indicators' to 'C:\MT4 Installs\Beta574 - 3\MQL4\Indicators'

2014.01.30 13:48:25.015 Migration: include folder updated from 'C:\MT4 Installs\Beta574 - 3\experts\include' to 'C:\MT4 Installs\Beta574 - 3\MQL4\Include'

2014.01.30 13:48:25.015 Migration: experts folder updated from 'C:\MT4 Installs\Beta574 - 3\experts' to 'C:\MT4 Installs\Beta574 - 3\MQL4\Experts'

2014.01.30 13:48:25.015 Migration: experts migration from 'C:\MT4 Installs\Beta574 - 3' to 'C:\MT4 Installs\Beta574 - 3' started

2014.01.30 13:48:25.015 Migration: data to 'C:\MT4 Installs\Beta574 - 3' migration started