Need Help Metatrader Crashed

I use an expert advisor to automatically make trades for me. My computer runs metatrader pretty much 24/7 except when the Forex markets are closed. So I woke up this morning I noticed that my expert advisor wasn't making any trades. I differently had a internet connection and MetaTrader was receiving data. I closed out MetaTrader and tried to restart it but for some reason it froze up and wouldn't load. I restarted the computer and was able to log into MetaTrader but when I logged in, my expert advisor wasn't applied to the chart and my chart disappeared. Only the default charts and settings where loaded. Has anyone experienced this kind of problem? Any suggestions to what could have caused this to happen and how to prevent it from happening again in the future? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

You should close down MT regularly (for example on the weekend), so that it will commit to disk all the current information such as history data, charts, indicators etc.

If you don't do that and MT4 crashes, then nothing is saved and it reverts back to what was originally on when you last started up MT4.

So, if you have been running MT4 non-stop for months, then all you have setup on configurations, charts, indicators, EA's, etc. (and all the history data) - all of that is gone.

I have a VPS where I run several MT4's and every week-end, I will close them down, make a backup of all the files in the installation paths, and start all the MT4's up again.

I transfer all those Backups from the VPS to my own PC and onto Backup drives. That way if something goes wrong or I want to change VPS service providers, I have that all stored away to recreate easily and quickly.

Also important is what build you had running. Newer builds do save data more regularly and are less prone to this problem, but still suffer from it to an extent.

PS! I know that some of you will say that the History Data is saved in real-time, and that may be true, but it is not flushed very regularly, and depending the RAM you may have, you may find that after a Crash, there will be plenty of data that is not flushed and missing from history files. I know this from experience (just as "fxtrader86" experienced now) and that is why I started closing down and making backups regularly.

fxtrader86: I use an expert advisor to automatically make trades for me. My computer runs metatrader pretty much 24/7 except when the Forex markets are closed. So I woke up this morning I noticed that my expert advisor wasn't making any trades. I differently had a internet connection and MetaTrader was receiving data. I closed out MetaTrader and tried to restart it but for some reason it froze up and wouldn't load. I restarted the computer and was able to log into MetaTrader but when I logged in, my expert advisor wasn't applied to the chart and my chart disappeared. Only the default charts and settings where loaded. Has anyone experienced this kind of problem? Any suggestions to what could have caused this to happen and how to prevent it from happening again in the future? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
From the terminal menu select Help->About. What Built of the terminal are you currently using?
I'm using version 4.00 build 509. I shut down metatrader on Friday when the Forex markets close and reopen metatrader on Sunday when the Forex market reopens. Fortunately I periodically make back ups so I didn't loose any data from the history center. but I did loose my chart that has all my buy and sell points that my expert advisor made in the last month. I just re-installed metatrader and hope it doesnt do it again. Would maybe restarting metatrader once a day prevent a crash? Also I have: max bars in history, and max bars in charts, as high as it will go. Currenly I have 69820 records of the M5. Could this possibly cause metatrader to crash? Too many bars in the chart history. I have 230 GIGs of free hard drive space and have 2 GIGs of RAM.
I'm using version 4.00 build 509. I shut down metatrader on Friday when the Forex markets close and reopen metatrader on Sunday when the Forex market reopens. Fortunately I periodically make back ups so I didn't loose any data from the history center. but I did loose my chart that has all my buy and sell points that my expert advisor made in the last month. I just re-installed metatrader and hope it doesnt do it again. Would maybe restarting metatrader once a day prevent a crash? Also I have: max bars in history, and max bars in charts, as high as it will go. Currenly I have 69820 records of the M5. Could this possibly cause metatrader to crash? Too many bars in the chart history. I have 230 GIGs of free hard drive space and have 2 GIGs of RAM.

If you'd like to recreate the buy and sell points, try searching for indicators which redraw the trade history on chart.

Theres no way to guarantee against crashes... just follow regular backups.

My_opinion, max bars are set too high... try reducing the size of max bars in chart.