Ubuntu Server 12.04


Hey guys, i am new to Ubuntu Server 12.04, i were using Ubuntu Desktop before, an i've installed with wine the metatrader4.

In Ubuntu Server, it seems not to be possible, or that easy (only terminal).

So my question: Is it possible to install mt4 on Ubuntu Server, and somehow to let an EA trade on an account?



Personally I recommend you to use a VirtualBox (https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads) with XP
especially when you start to trade with real money

Thank you for the links, but that are the way to install MT4 on Ubuntu Desktop version, i think this is not going to work on a server. There is no user interface, terminal only. (Or am i wrong about his? I am new to the world of servers (VPS))
lawbreaker13: Thank you for the links, but that are the way to install MT4 on Ubuntu Desktop version, i think this is not going to work on a server. There is no user interface, terminal only. (Or am i wrong about his? I am new to the world of servers (VPS))
Your question has more to-do with Ubuntu Server 12.04 than it does with MT4. I would be asking a Ubuntu forum about how to install Graphical Windows Programs on it.
Thank you for the links, but that are the way to install MT4 on Ubuntu Desktop version, i think this is not going to work on a server. There is no user interface, terminal only. (Or am i wrong about his? I am new to the world of servers (VPS))
If you want to install a Windows application the best solution is to install it in Windows.
If you want to install a Windows application the best solution is to install it in Windows.

Yeah i'd like to. But windows server costs to much (for me, a pupil) money..

but thanks to everybody

(Or am i wrong about his? I am new to the world of servers (VPS))
Search for a Windows VPS, not necessarily related with MetaTrader, but running Windows.
No need to complicate your life.
Search for a Windows VPS, not necessarily related with MetaTrader, but running Windows.
No need to complicate your life.

Right, i know that this is like 100 times easier. But as i said above, it costs to much for me! :(

Right, i know that this is like 100 times easier. But as i said above, it costs to much for me! :(

Have you seen the price of Retail pack Windows XP on ebay ?