After Angle Formula - page 2

What is the ANGLE of traveling from CA to NY in 5 days? Meaningless. What is the average speed (the slope)? 24.3 MPH
What is the ANGLE of traveling from CA to NY in 5 days? Meaningless. What is the average speed (the slope)? 24.3 MPH

Yes it is meaningless in that context, but if you were charting the progress of the journey, miles vs time the angle of the resulting line would be representative of the speed of progress during the journey and could be calculated mathematically by arctan(slope)

It's meaningless always. ArcTan takes a unitless number. Slope and speed has units. What is the ANGLE of 24.3 MPH? It is the same as "the ANGLE of traveling from CA to NY in 5 days." Meaningless.

You can graph it if you want and see a 45 degree angle. I can graph the EXACT same values on a different scale and see a different angle. It is meaningless.

SDC: Yes it is meaningless in that context, but if you were charting the progress of the journey, miles vs time the angle of the resulting line would be representative of the speed of progress during the journey and could be calculated mathematically by arctan(slope)

I agree with you here. A while ago, I decided to evaluate a system based upon Angles, but I've already read upon this forum that Angles are meaningless because Price & Time aren't the same units; another problem was that the lines would change their Angles depending on the zoom or resolution for the screen.

After scratching my head for a while trying to think up a solution for the above problems, I decided to Square the minute_bar with the_pip. It solved my problem because what I was concern about was if price was moving faster than || or if price was above/below/within the trajectory I've drawn and that this trajectory didn't change (relative to price) by screen resolutions. I could widen the Angle by saying go right 1_bar and up 2_pips .... or decrease by half-a-pip ... etc.

Now we can argue from now til Judgment_Day if what's created is actually an Angle. But I think whats important here is what the Trader_Intends or better yet, what he/she is willing to accept. For the sake of concession I wouldn't call it an Angle; however, something like that was what I was looking for.


Now we can argue from now til Judgment_Day if what's created is actually an Angle. But I think whats important here is what the Trader_Intends or better yet, what he/she is willing to accept. For the sake of concession I wouldn't call it an Angle; however, something like that was what I was looking for.

Call it a gradient and we can all agree.
RaptorUK: Call it a gradient and we can all agree.
I dub thee a Gradient ..... .
I dub thee a Gradient ..... .


I would call it a gradient too if we were talking about gradients. A gradient is the rate of incline of a slope usually expressed as a ratio or calculated as a ratio to 1 so the gradient of a 45 degree slope is expressed as 1:1 or just 1. A gradient of 1 is always a 45 degree angle by a fact of math. The OP asked about the angle. I was not trying to introduce a new concept in charting, the angle of a straight line on a x,y chart is already documented math that does not require the x and y axis to use the same units of measurement it only requires the chart creator defines the scale. I think the disagreement is arising from not appreciating the concept of defining a scale. It is used in the Gann tools included in MT4 and in mql4: OBJ_TRENDBYANGLE. OBJPROP_ANGLE. OBJPROP_SCALE.

slope = Ay - By / Ax - Bx

angle_radians = MathArctan(slope)

angle_degrees = angle_radians*(180/Pi)


I would call it a gradient too if we were talking about gradients. A gradient is the rate of incline of a slope usually expressed as a ratio or calculated as a ratio to 1 so the gradient of a 45 degree slope is expressed as 1:1 or just 1. A gradient of 1 is always a 45 degree angle by a fact of math. The OP asked about the angle. I was not trying to introduce a new concept in charting, the angle of a straight line on a x,y chart is already documented math that does not require the x and y axis to use the same units of measurement it only requires the chart creator defines the scale. I think the disagreement is arising from not appreciating the concept of defining a scale. It is used in the Gann tools included in MT4 and in mql4: OBJ_TRENDBYANGLE. OBJPROP_ANGLE. OBJPROP_SCALE.

slope = Ay - By / Ax - Bx

angle_radians = MathArctan(slope)

angle_degrees = angle_radians*(180/Pi)

You are mixing physics with geometry. Gradient (grade) in physics expresses a slope of dependency between two units, while in geometry it is a poor number.

If you are looking at the chart as dependency between two variables, you can hardly use pure geometry.

If you are looking at the chart in a geometric way, you may suggest defining a scale, which would bind axis. Which implies - for any angle I will find a scale that fits it. Moreover, the X-axis is not linear in MT4.


You are mixing physics with geometry. Gradient (grade) in physics expresses a slope of dependency between two units, while in geometry it is a poor number.

If you are looking at the chart as dependency between two variables, you can hardly use pure geometry.

If you are looking at the chart in a geometric way, you may suggest defining a scale, which would bind axis. Which implies - for any angle I will find a scale that fits it. Moreover, the X-axis is not linear in MT4.

Show me the math that proves any of what I said was incorrect. I know the x axis of the chart is not linear but for the purpose of bars/pips slope we are working on a bar to bar basis, the non linear date scale has no bearing on that.

Take a look at this math website, check the show angle box beside the applet and it will display what I have been saying mathematically and graphically.