How can I find all my posts/comments!


Sorry this may be considered off-topic since it is not about MQL4 but I need some help on the workings of this forum itself.

I sometimes forget to subscribe to the Topic on which I my have posted a comment and then do not remember if I have anything pending issues.

How do I find all topics on which I have posted comments?

I have tried looking at my profile, but it only lists my own topics or those for which I have subscribed. Unfortunately, it does not list any topics on which I have posted but not subscribed.

Anyone have suggestions on how to accomplish this?

Many thanks and best regards,


FMIC: tried looking at my profile, but it only lists my own topics or those for which I have subscribed. Unfortunately, it does not list any topics on which I have posted but not subscribed.

Click on your name or the profile button. The third group is listed as "Wrote topics, total" at the bottom is a link Find all comments

Click on your name or the profile button. The third group is listed as "Wrote topics, total" at the bottom is a link Find all comments

As originally posted, I have already followed that route!

There are comments that I remember writing (but do not remember which topics), that do not appear on that list!

What appears on that list are comments of currently subscribed topics (or for which I previously subscribed and then unsubscribed), but for the odd comment on unsubscribed topics, the list does not seem to contain them.

It could also have been a transient bug/corruption/thing and some of my comments "unlinked".

I will try to comment on some topic in the future and see if it still happens or if it was just a transient problem.


As originally posted, I have already followed that route!

There are comments that I remember writing (but do not remember which topics), that do not appear on that list!

They do not always update very quickly, sometimes they take a day or two to appear.
They do not always update very quickly, sometimes they take a day or two to appear.

In my case, it was comments posted months ago.

I just did a quick comment on the topic "about tick's information on tester" and it updated right away on the list on my "profile" page.

However, I just remembered that those older comments were not on the Forum but on the "CodeBase". I will have to test one of those to verify my situation.

Perhaps Google or Bing would work for you. Search something like "my_name".

OK! I think I just found the problem.

I just wrote a quick comment on the "ALGLIB" codebase page, and can confirm that it DID NOT appear on the list of comments in my profile.

I will have to wait a while, as per "RaptorUK" suggestion, but I have a feeling that this is where my comments disappeared to - the CodeBase.

It may just well be that comments on the CodeBase are not tracked in the lists in the profile page and that there may not be a way for the user to find them later on if one does not subscribe to the thread in question.

Can anyone confirm or deny this problem with their own profiles and comments on the CodeBase when NOT subscribed to the thread?

Perhaps Google or Bing would work for you. Search something like "my_name".

Thanks "Ubzen". Now why did I not think of that (I am not being sarcastic; I really mean it).

I can sometimes be really stupid and not think of the most obvious solutions.

I will do that right away.

Again thanks!


OK! As per "ubzen's" suggestion, I did a "Google" search on the CodeBase and found all my "missing" comments!

It is however a pity that this site itself does not link the comments on the "CodeBase" as it does on the "Forum". Was it an oversight or is it a bug in the site code?

When one visits another members profile, it would be nice to also see their comments on the CodeBase as well.

There are some users here that I usually follow due to their insightful comments, but it seems that the contributions and knowledge with regard to the CodeBase will only be available to those that follow "ubzen's" advice and use Google or Bing.

Again, "ubzen", thanks!


OK! As per "ubzen's" suggestion, I did a "Google" search on the CodeBase and found all my "missing" comments!

It is however a pity that this site itself does not link the comments on the "CodeBase" as it does on the "Forum". Was it an oversight or is it a bug in the site code?

When one visits another members profile, it would be nice to also see their comments on the CodeBase as well.

There are some users here that I usually follow due to their insightful comments, but it seems that the contributions and knowledge with regard to the CodeBase will only be available to those that follow "ubzen's" advice and use Google or Bing.

Again, "ubzen", thanks!

Maybe this :!author=FMIC&module=mql4_module_codebase
Maybe this :!author=FMIC&module=mql4_module_codebase

No, unfortunately that does not list all the cases. Many are missing. So far, only the "Google" way displayed most of them although some were missing from "Google" as well.