If 2 cars are travelling in the same direction and .... - page 4


10 miles apart, Car B going 10 mph 10/(10-1) cross is 10/9

10 miles apart, Car B going 20 mph 10/(20-1) cross is 20/9 Invalid solution.

angevoyageur Said "suppose Vb=1" IF you fix velocity of one car you fix the other "Car A is moving 2x carB" If you can't, there is no solution.


You are still presuming mph there is no known mph.

angevoyageur said it correctly because the question itself defines the two velocities as fixed relative to each other when it says "Car A is travelling 2x faster than car B"

10 miles apart Car A travelling 2x faster than car B: 10/(2-1) == 10 miles

10 miles apart Car A travelling 3x faster than car B: 10/(3-1) == 5 miles

10 miles apart Car A travelling 5x faster than car B: 10/(5-1) == 2.5 miles


I looked at this some more and realized you can do this with mph .. you just have to calculate the relative difference in speed as a ratio to 1.

if car A is going 50mph and car B 20mph, car A is going 2.5 times faster than car B

10/(2.5-1) == 6.67 miles


I looked at this some more and realized you can do this with mph .. you just have to calculate the difference in speed as a ratio to 1

if car A is going 50mph and car B 20mph, car A is going 2.5 times faster than car B

10/2.5-1) == 6.67 miles


Question was How many miles further down the road will Car A catch up with car B.

For me is it like what distance has car A to drive to catch car B

Car A has to drive at least 10 miles ....

I'm not englishman do i read it wrong ???


No you didn't read it wrong, the interpretation was ambiguous because I did not write the question clearly enough to describe for which car to calculate the distance travelled.


No you didn't read it wrong, the interpretation was ambiguous because I did not write the question clearly enough

then the formula has to be

Distance Car A has to drive = 10 + (10/(speedA - speedB))

and if Car A travelling XX * faster than car B then Car A is driving XX * k mph and car B is driving k mph

although you don't know what k exactly is it makes no difference to the distance

it will only make a difference in the number of seconds when that moment happens if k = 20 or 40 the distance car A has to drive keeps the same


10+(10/(speedA-speedB)) is not correct.

Car A 40mph, Car B 20mph

10+(10/(40-20)) == 10.5 miles. invalid result. Correct result for car A would be 20 miles.


10+(10/(speedA-speedB)) is not correct.

Car A 40mph, Car B 20mph

10+(10/(40-20)) == 10.5 miles. invalid result. Correct result for car A would be 20 miles.

i see
what about 10 + ( 10/ ( ( speedA/speedB ) -1) )
i see
what about 10 + ( 10/ ( ( speedA/speedB ) -1) )

Yes that is the complete formula I used to calculate this from my earlier post (without the additional 10 miles for car A).

If car A is going 50mph and car B 20mph, car A is going 2.5 times faster than car B

10/(2.5-1) == 6.67 miles.