Is it possbile to set a different color for all (trend)lines in the chart at once (maybe a script)?


Hi Forum,

I use many horizontal / trendlines in my chart and sometimes I like to change the colors of them. It is really much work when you have to do it with 15 charts.

Therefore I wanted to know if it is possible to set a new color for all lines in the chart with a script. Maybe somebody already has something like this? My searching was not successful...


If you're a programmer or learning to program then use the available mql4 function to accomplish the task. Otherwise you can make a request here and someone will help you with that.

Here are the list of object functions. On the left column. Generally you search for the object just like searching for orders. You ObjectGet() the Property_Color && Property_TrendLine for Checking. Then you ObjectSet() to what you want.


Hi ubzen,

yes, I am learning to program. But it could have been that a script like this already exists and that somebody could upload it here.

But nevertheless thank you for the advice, I will try my best to create a script.

mar: Hi ubzen, yes, I am learning to program. But it could have been that a script like this already exists and that somebody could upload it here. But nevertheless thank you for the advice, I will try my best to create a script.
This type of question usually translate to "having someone else do the searching for you". I'm just telling you how we interpret it ... nothing personal. I could probably find one for you should I try looking hard enough.
Ok, I understand how it could be interpreted. But my intention was to ask if this is generally possible to do it with a script. Google found nothing with sense with the keywords "mq4 script line color change". But now I know that it is possible and I think I could create it.
mar: Ok, I understand how it could be interpreted. But my intention was to ask if this is generally possible to do it with a script. Google found nothing with sense with the keywords "mq4 script line color change". But now I know that it is possible and I think I could create it.
Cool :)

Obviously not as easy as I thought. But maybe you can give me a tip?

It is not important for me what kind of line it is. I just look for every object and set the color to Lime. But when I drag this script into the chart the lines become black. I have no idea why because I don't see a logical problem. Could it be wrong syntax? But the function ObjectSet() is not so difficult to understand. So I have no idea where the problem is... :-/

//| script program start function                                    |
int start()
   for(int iObj = ObjectsTotal() - 1; iObj >= 0; iObj--)
      string ObjName = ObjectName(iObj);
      ObjectSet(ObjName, OBJPROP_COLOR, "Lime");
mar: Obviously not as easy as I thought. But maybe you can give me a tip?

It is not important for me what kind of line it is. I just look for every object and set the color to Lime. But when I drag this script into the chart the lines become black. I have no idea why because I don't see a logical problem. Could it be wrong syntax? But the function ObjectSet() is not so difficult to understand. So I have no idea where the problem is... :-/


Thanks!! It works now! :)



Thanks!! It works now! :)


Cha .. I bet you are :)

Hi ubzen,

I don't wanted to open a new thread for that because we were just "talking" about objects.. I would like to color the distance between two moving averages.

For example, I use the EMA20 and the EMA50. When the EMA20 is above the EMA50 I want the space between them colored in green, other wise in red.

Do I have to do this with objects or with buffers? I have no idea what to use now. I am pretty sure that I find an indicator like this but I would like to program it myself.

Therefore I would appreciate it, if you tell me what to use. Then I know in which "direction" I have to think.

Thank you!!