Print? Where is it???


Hi, All I need is a very basic and common piece of information that once again cannot be found easily in the documentation. MQL4 did a horrible job with basic info availability imo.

This is just one more example. Print. A person that prints needs to be able to find what was printed. Below is what can be found when searching for the elusive print file information:

"Prints a message to the experts log. Parameters can be of any type. Amount of passed parameters cannot exceed 64."

It does not tell us where in the H__ the "experts log" is...

MQL4 designers take note -tell us where the file is, EXACLTY. A little bit of common sense goes a long way to shorten the learning curve and make MQL4 less frustrating for new users.

Quick reference and searchable definitions would be a Huge help. The search presently is practically useless.

It would eliminate constant forum disruption for simple questions that should be easily found in the help section.

umm...anyone know where the experts log is?



I think I found the print log (by right clicking in the journal). But I still can't find what's being printed from my EA. Above is the code I'm trying to print, which is just the simple readings from an moving average.

I can't find the printed info.

Any ideas?


moneycode: It does not tell us where in the H__ the "experts log" is...

Why do you care, look in the journal tab.

I did find an exe4 file that but I can't open it. It's in the experts folder. Any idea how I can open this file to see if the printed info is in there?



Why do you care, look in the journal tab.

Why do I care? Are you serious? Reviewing the printed data is the most important part of building a strategy. What's the point of Print if I can't see the printed data?

I did look in the journal tab, and found some files that did not contain the readings from my print command of the ma data.

Can anyone tell me EXACTLY where and how to see what is being printed when you add a print command to your code?



Why do I care? Are you serious? Reviewing the printed data is the most important part of building a strategy. What's the point of Print if I can't see the printed data?

I did look in the journal tab, and found some files that did not contain the readings from my print command of the ma data.

Can anyone tell me EXACTLY where and how to see what is being printed when you add a print command to your code?


//|                                                         Test.mq4 |
//|                        Copyright 2012, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                               |
#property copyright "Copyright 2012, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      ""
#include <stderror.mqh>
#include <stdlib.mqh>
#include <WinUser32.mqh>

int init()
   Print("This is the Print(...) from init() ");
//| expert deinitialization function                                 |
int deinit()
   Print("This is the Print(...) from deinit() ");
//| expert start function                                            |

int start()
   Print("This is the Print(...) from start() ");

And here is result:


And here is result:

thanks more, it worked, and I found it. very helpful
moneycode: Why do I care? Are you serious? .. can't see the printed data?
Yes I'm serious. Why do you care WHERE it is stored. Look in the Journal tab and SEE the printed data.

I think I found the print log (by right clicking in the journal). But I still can't find what's being printed from my EA. Above is the code I'm trying to print, which is just the simple readings from an moving average.

I can't find the printed info.

Any ideas?

If you are running your EA in the Strategy Tester look in the Journal tab next to the Report tab (not next to the Experts tab), if you are running in live/demo look in the Experts tab next to the Alerts tab, as you found out you can find the log file location by right clicking and clicking open . . .
Yes I'm serious. Why do you care WHERE it is stored. Look in the Journal tab and SEE the printed data.

Ahh, now you're post makes more sense to me. You had me at a disadvantage because at the time I wasn't yet aware that the journal displays what was actually printed also. I thought it only told you that something was printed, but not actually showed you the printed data.

If you are running your EA in the Strategy Tester look in the Journal tab next to the Report tab (not next to the Experts tab), if you are running in live/demo look in the Experts tab next to the Alerts tab, as you found out you can find the log file location by right clicking and clicking open . . .

Yes, I finally got it all figured out (only took me 5 hours - and a cup of Starbucks to regain my sanity)