: 403 - запрещено. Доступ запрещен.


I cannot open Every time I try to open, this message appears:

403 - запрещено. Доступ запрещен.

Предоставленные учетные данные не дают права на просмотр этого каталога или страницы.

Please help. Thank you.

My username is: parlinsfx

Try a different web browser.
Try a different web browser.

I regularly use Mozilla Firefox. I also have tried IE, but not working. Shall I install and try other browsers? What browser(s) do you suggest?

Thank You.


I regularly use Mozilla Firefox. I also have tried IE, but not working. Shall I install and try other browsers? What browser(s) do you suggest?

Thank You.

Perhaps you're entering the address format wrong. Here click this link.
Perhaps you're entering the address format wrong. Here click this link.

I copied and pasted the above link (browsers: Mozilla, IE, Chrome), but the result is still the same error :(

I copied and pasted the above link (browsers: Mozilla, IE, Chrome), but the result is still the same error :(
Maybe your IP address is blocked, can you change it ? or try from a cell phone and then contact MetaQuotes via the Service Desk.

My IP address got blocked temporarily (I accidentally hit a DoS limit) but that cleared in a few hours.

If your's is still blocked, try changing it. Easiest is to use a VPN (like the free