64 bit MT5 build 858 locking up... - page 4


Unfortunately I was unable today. I will try again tomorrow.



Unfortunately I was unable today. I will try again tomorrow.


No stress - appreciate the fact that you're happy to do this. :)

I sent MetaQuotes screenshots etc of the locked/frozen MT5 so I'm hoping they'll take it seriously. Of course, if anyone can replicate the issue, so much the better. :)

I just start a test with build 871/64, 36 positions (all symbols available in market watch).
I just start a test with build 871/64, 36 positions (all symbols available in market watch).

It's now 24 hours after the start. No problem, MT5 platform is still alive.

cowil, I think you have to extend your research to understand your problem. I will let my test running, tell me if I can help in any way.

I also had the system up, but only about 8 hours. I had 22 positions open here. There was no problem just yet.

No stress - appreciate the fact that you're happy to do this. :)

I sent MetaQuotes screenshots etc of the locked/frozen MT5 so I'm hoping they'll take it seriously. Of course, if anyone can replicate the issue, so much the better. :)

If you have the time and inclination to do some research you should consider downloading and running Microsoft Sysinternals Process Monitor and then filtering it for your MT5 Terminal application,  then run your terminal and get it to crash . . .  then save the Process Monitor data.  It may well tell you what is causing the issue.  It's not going to be a 5 min job though,  unless you already have some Process Monitor experience.
If you have the time and inclination to do some research you should consider downloading and running Microsoft Sysinternals Process Monitor and then filtering it for your MT5 Terminal application,  then run your terminal and get it to crash . . .  then save the Process Monitor data.  It may well tell you what is causing the issue.  It's not going to be a 5 min job though,  unless you already have some Process Monitor experience.
Nice info here. Thank you RaptorUK.

Guys - thank you all so VERY VERY much for your help - it is SO appreciated!

angevoyageur, there is absolutely no way that my MT5 would have run for 24 hours or even 8 hours (thanks Candles) on any of my setups with positions opened on all Symbols like that, so that would suggest that the problem comes back to something I'm doing here. The fact that build 842 (and earlier) DOES work makes it all the more confusing... If I had any hair left, I would have torn it out by now. :)

The only thought I have at this stage is that all my machines, VPS's etc have multiple versions of MT5 installed (I haven't let some installations upgrade due to all these issues and also have those hack versions of build 842 running). While my test build 871 install was a completely fresh install (i.e. not an upgrade), the only thing I can think of is that my build 871 install is somehow picking up a dll or configuration data from an older install? I can't really see how this could happen as my test build 871 installation was the LAST MT5 installed and should therefore have overwritten any old dlls, configuration data etc but when you're clutching at straws, those straws do have to be explored. Will fire up a completely new, clean VPS (geez, this problem has cost me some money! :) ), install a completely new clean install of 871, open positions on all Symbols and see what happens.

And RaptorUK, thanks for your suggestion to use Process Monitor. I'm reasonably Windows literate so will look into that as well...

Guys, thanks again for your support, suggestions and help on this one - really, really appreciate it. These are the sort of problems that drive you completely mad so with your help, I've finally got a better idea of where I should be looking. Thanks again!!!!


Well, I fired up a completely fresh VPS (Windows Server 2008r2), installed a completely clean spanky new install of MT5 build 871 on it, opened orders on every Symbol as angevoyageur had done and it froze/crashed within 6 hours. The VPS is hosted in a data-centre in Ireland by a super-reliable hosting company so for me (living in New Zealand), it rules out any potential machine, internet and local network issues. I'm completely stumped as to why it's working for you angevoyageur. Good for you obviously but not so good for me. :(

There's also no anti-virus software installed that could be interfering with it in some way. 

One thought I just had angevoyageur - I presume that the demo MT5 you're running at the moment is via the same broker as we previously talked about in our messages?

Also, do you have your MarketWatch window open? I have this open so that I can note the time that it crashes - I can't imagine that having this window open causes MT5 to crash but you never know.

My MT5 configuration consists of:

- No open charts

- MarketWatch window open (so the crash time is visible)

- Toolbox open on the "Journal" tab to allow me to see any possible errors that come up when MT5 crashes. So far, no errors have been reported in the Journal who's time corresponds with the crash time displayed in the MarketWatch window, once the time difference has been taken into account. In fact, I don't get any errors at all about anything beforehand either - MT5 simply decides to crash for no apparent reason.

- Defaults for all the configuration options in the "Tools" -> "Options" tabs.

One thing I should mention here is that I'm probably using the term "Crash" quite loosely. MT5 basically locks up/freezes but you only really realise this when you look at the MarketWatch window and see that the server time and Symbol prices have stopped updating. It's only then when you click on the MT5 window, that the "Not Responding" message comes up in the Window's title bar, and the MT5 window "whites" over.

If it's not too much bother angevoyageur, would you be able to replicate the above? I know it's clutching at straws but I've got no more than straws to go on at the moment. The next step is RaptorUK's idea of using the process monitor...


Well, I fired up a completely fresh VPS (Windows Server 2008r2), installed a completely clean spanky new install of MT5 build 871 on it, opened orders on every Symbol as angevoyageur had done and it locked up within 6 hours. The VPS is a Amazon AWS VPS instance (i.e. completely reliable) based in Ireland so for me (living in New Zealand), it rules out any potential machine, internet and local network issues. I'm completely stumped as to why it's working for you angevoyageur. :(

There's also no anti-virus software installed that could be interfering with it in some way. 

One thought I just had angevoyageur - I presume that the demo MT5 you're running at the moment is via the same broker as we previously talked about in our messages? Also, do you have your MarketWatch window open? I have this open so that I can note the time that it crashes - I can't imagine that having this window open causes MT5 to crash but you never know...

No, the market watch wasn't open (when I just check). I don't remember if it's from the start. Also I only have one chart open. I only paid attention to positions.

I will do a new test next week.

EDIT: I can start the test now, that left still more then 12 hours up to the close.