
I tried creating a expert, more or less similar code, and I write a file eg monthly data

But no more download data from 1970.

The code we used was as follows:

I already gave you a link that tells you why this doesn't work, did you read it ?


Please use the Forum search . . .

. . . and the documentation

No has respondido a mi pregunta simple, donde en el archivo es lo que desea colocar los nuevos datos? si se piensa que por unos minutos le ayudará. . .

A continuation of the old data? I do not understand that I have to use and where to continue performing data download
The combination FILEREAD / file_write I just made it and I keep doing the same. Something I'm not understanding
The combination FILEREAD / file_write I just made it and I keep doing the same. Something I'm not understanding
Each time you write a row of data to the file, each new row of data you want to be on a new row, you don't want it to overwrite the row you just wrote . . . before you write the new row of data you need to FileSeek() to the end of the file . . . then write your new row of data.
I'll try

I do not understand, is the same as before

//| script program start function                                    |
int start()

void export() 

string file="export_"+Symbol()+"_"+Period()+".csv"; 
int f=FileOpen(file,FILE_CSV|FILE_READ|FILE_WRITE, ';'); 
     FileSeek(f, 0, SEEK_END);

for(int i=Bars-1;i>=0;i--)
FileWrite(f,TimeToStr(Time,TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES),Open,High,Low,Close ,iFractals(Symbol(),0,1,i),iFractals(Symbol(),0,2,i),iCustom(Symbol(), 
0,"ZigZag",0,i),iCustom(Symbol(),0, "ZigZag",1,i));
Alert("Export "+Symbol()+" finished. Exported: "+Bars+" records"); 

I do not understand, is the same as before

Why are you closing the file inside the loop ? read your code through before testing it, make sure it makes sense . . .

In the code, I think I use the right steps. I think you should download all the data in a file. Csv, but do not understand why I do this.

//| script program start function                                    |
int start()

void export() 

string file="export_"+Symbol()+"_"+Period()+".csv"; 
int f=FileOpen(file,FILE_READ|FILE_WRITE, ';'); 
     FileSeek(f, 0, SEEK_END);

for(int i=Bars-1;i>=0;i--)
FileWrite(f,TimeToStr(Time,TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES),Open,High,Low,Close ,iFractals(Symbol(),0,1,i),iFractals(Symbol(),0,2,i),iCustom(Symbol(),0,"ZigZag",0,i),iCustom(Symbol(),0, "ZigZag",1,i));

Alert("Export "+Symbol()+" finished. Exported: "+Bars+" records");  

In the code, I think I use the right steps. I think you should download all the data in a file. Csv, but do not understand why I do this.

When the loop runs for the first value of i it will write data and then close the file, for the next value of i in the loop the file is closed . . . what do you think will happen ?
Many thanks, I found the solution