How could I modify the following code to export the data directly to matlab?, If someone comes up with another solution I would be very grateful

#property copyright "Copyright © 2008, Muhammad Hamizi Jaminan."
#property link      ""
#property indicator_chart_window

Description: Export history data
Author: Muhammad Hamizi Jaminan aka hymns

Version History
Version 1.0.5
- add string time frame on file instead of minute numbers.

Version 1.0.4
- add new frequency update for reduce memory usage on writing.

Version 1.0.3
- fixed exausting memory usage on writing for all pair (19 pair 5 timeframe).

Version 1.0.2
- add completed bar parameter
- add debug mode parameter
- add timeframe 60, 30 & 15 minute data 

Version 1.0.1
- add custom extension for filename
- add custom bar numbers

Version 1.0.0
- Enjoy my first release
- Export D1 & H4 chart history

//external input
extern int frequency_update = 60;
extern string file_extension = ".csv";

//bar input
extern int number_bars  = 2000;
extern int from_year    = 1978;
extern bool completed_bar = false;
extern bool enable_debug = false;

//period input
extern bool period_weekly = true;
extern bool period_daily = true;
extern bool period_4hour = false;
extern bool period_1hour = false;
extern bool period_30min = false;
extern bool period_15min = false;
extern bool period_5min = false;
extern bool period_1min = false;

//writing permissions
bool writedata = false;

//file handler
int handler, cnt, shift;
int current_time = 0;
//string handle
string strline, filename;

//start function
int start()
   //timer controller
   if (current_time == 0 || current_time  < StrToTime(TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(), TIME_MINUTES)))
      current_time = StrToTime(TimeToStr(TimeCurrent()+frequency_update, TIME_MINUTES)); 
      writedata = true;
   //check writing permissions
   if (writedata == false)

   //check complete bar
   if (completed_bar)
      shift = 1;
      shift = 0;

   //weekly period
   if (period_weekly)

   //24 hour period
   if (period_daily)

   //4 hour period
   if (period_4hour)

   //1 hour period
   if (period_1hour)

   //30 minute period
   if (period_30min)

   //15 minute period
   if (period_15min)

   //5 minute period
   if (period_5min)
   //1 minute period
   if (period_1min)
   //reset permission back         
   writedata = false;


//write history data
void write_history(int period)
   //switch period string   
   string period_string;

      case 10080 :
      period_string = "W1";

      case 1440 :
      period_string = "D1";

      case 240 :
      period_string = "H4";

      case 60 :
      period_string = "H1";

      case 30 :
      period_string = "M30";

      case 15 :
      period_string = "M15";
      case 5 :
      period_string = "M5";
      case 1 :
      period_string = "M1";

   filename = Symbol() + "_" + period_string + file_extension;

   //debug : open file
   if (enable_debug)
      Print("Debug: Accessing file ",filename,"...");

   //open file : assign handler
   handler = FileOpen(filename, FILE_CSV|FILE_WRITE, "\t");

   //failed create handle
   if(handler < 1)
      //debug : file open failed
      if (enable_debug)
         Print("Debug: Cannot open file ", filename," : error_",GetLastError());

   //debug : file open
   if (enable_debug)
      Print("Debug: Success accessing file ",filename,"...");

   //reset string
   strline = "";
   //read existing bars
   for (cnt = number_bars; cnt >= shift; cnt--)
      //check year
      if (from_year < TimeYear(iTime(Symbol(), period, cnt)) )
         //assign contents
         strline = TimeToStr(iTime(Symbol(), period, cnt),TIME_DATE|TIME_SECONDS);
         strline = StringSubstr(strline, 0, 4) + StringSubstr(strline, 5, 2) + StringSubstr(strline, 8, 2) + "," + StringSubstr(strline, 11, 5);
         strline = strline + "," + DoubleToStr(iOpen(Symbol(), period, cnt), 4) + "," + DoubleToStr(iHigh(Symbol(), period, cnt),4) + "," + DoubleToStr(iLow(Symbol(), period, cnt),4) + "," + DoubleToStr(iClose(Symbol(), period, cnt),4) + "," + DoubleToStr(iVolume(Symbol(), period, cnt),0);
         //writing contents
         FileWrite(handler, strline);

   //debug : complete
   if (enable_debug)
      Print("Debug: Writing file ",filename," completed!");
   //close handler

   //debug : closing
   if (enable_debug)
      Print("Debug: Closing file ",filename,"...");

Many thanks

or any other ideas?
thank you very much