Call variable dynamically



I would want to know, if it's possible to call dynamically variables.

For example:

I create 3 variabless:

string Var1,var2,var3

And I call them in a loop like this:





When I compile, i have an error:" var+i didn't declare".

Do you have solution please?

Thank's a lot for your answer.


This is not allowed with mql4.

you have to use other method, for example use an array : var[3]


Thank's, so the problem with an array that must it be initialize by constant and not dynamically; Is it exact? otherwise explain me how can id do please?

Thank's a lot.

string Arr[3] = {Var1,var2,var3}

for(i=0;i<3;i++) {
Is that what you mean?

Cannot declare Arrays with Variables.


Cannot declare Arrays with Variables.

oh ok. Well the Arr declaration is to replace the OP's Var1, Var2 and Var3 declarations so he should be able to do it. I just don't know what the values are. e.g.:

string Arr[3] = {"hello","hi","how are you?"}