MessageBox() - page 2

You should not use MessageBox as an alert as it expects a response from the user. (Also it does not work in indicators or the strategy tester.)
Keith Watford:
You should not use MessageBox as an alert as it expects a response from the user. (Also it does not work in indicators or the strategy tester.)

Thanks Keith for your quick response. 

What I am unable to understand is, it works just fine in debugging mode but not after the debugging is stopped. If it does not work in indicators then why it works fine in debugging mode? Please have a look at attached pic.


Ephor Daps:

Thanks Keith for your quick response. 

What I am unable to understand is, it works just fine in debugging mode but not after the debugging is stopped. If it does not work in indicators then why it works fine in debugging mode? Please have a look at attached pic.


I don't know. I have never used de-bugging mode as every time I have tried it has crashed my platform.