Compilation error int start()


HI All .. Thanks for your assistance in the past...

Now I am really stumped I get only one error on compilation and this is it.

int start() "unexpected function" This line is automatically placed by the wizard .

I have double checked it and the "int deint()" coding before it.

Any help would be much appreciated.


HI All .. Thanks for your assistance in the past...

Now I am really stumped I get only one error on compilation and this is it.

int start() "unexpected function" This line is automatically placed by the wizard .

I have double checked it and the "int deint()" coding before it.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Fix your code . . . nobody can help, we can't see your code and where the error is, and please, if you are going to post your code please use the SRC button to post code: How to use the SRC button. or if it's too big for the SRC box then attach it as a file.