Can't get web referenced data to up date after initial reading?


I have wanted to read files from a www address. I found and worked with some code that does it. - It works - but if I change the data on the website and run the script again, it doesn't update the read on MT4. If I turn off and then turn on the MT4, and re-run the script I get a fresh read and it works, the first time. Surely there is a way to make a fresh read at each script run.

My thinking is there was a local cache. I tried to use the built in function to force the re-reading of the website, but I can't get it to work. I am really hoping someone can see the problem.

#property copyright "sangmane"
#property link      ""

#import  "Wininet.dll"
   int InternetOpenA(string, int, string, string, int);
   int InternetOpenUrlA(int, string, string, int, int, int);
   int InternetReadFile(int, string, int, int& OneInt[]);
   int InternetCloseHandle(int); 

int start()
   string WebSource = "";

   int hOpen = InternetOpenA("Agent Sangmane", 0, NULL, NULL , 0);
   if (hOpen != 0)
        int hFile = InternetOpenUrlA(hOpen, WebSource, NULL, 0, 0x80000000, 0);
        if (hFile != 0)
                Comment("Connected, downloading file...");
                int read[1]={0};
                string page = "";

                while (true)
                        string Buffer = " initial Empty ";
                int res = InternetReadFile(hFile, Buffer, StringLen(Buffer), read);
                if (read[0] == 0) break;
                page = page + StringSubstr(Buffer, 0, read[0]);

Oh, thanks so much. Just like that you have the code that works. I guess I still a lot of learning to do.

Thanks again and again.