Changing previous buffer values


Hey guys, I'm a Java developer and I am now learning mql4. I am trying to write an indicator and I can't see anything drawn. I am doing something similar to ZigZag so I don't have a value to draw for every candle (I set those to EMPTY_VALUE). Also when I have a value to add to the buffer, it is not for the current candle, but for the last high/low possition. Is the indicator seeing those changes to previous candles (Their values used to be EMPTY_VALUE and then changed to the candle's high/low)?



Hey guys, I'm a Java developer and I am now learning mql4. I am trying to write an indicator and I can't see anything drawn. I am doing something similar to ZigZag so I don't have a value to draw for every candle (I set those to EMPTY_VALUE). Also when I have a value to add to the buffer, it is not for the current candle, but for the last high/low possition. Is the indicator seeing those changes to previous candles (Their values used to be EMPTY_VALUE and then changed to the candle's high/low)?

Yes, use the Data Window to look at the values in your Indicator's buffers.
50094689: Is the indicator seeing those changes to previous candles (Their values used to be EMPTY_VALUE and then changed to the candle's high/low)?
No way to know without seeing the code. Did you set the array as a buffer? Do you have uninitialized values in your main loop? No mind readers here.
#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 1
#property indicator_color1 Blue

double                  swings[];
datetime                LstCndl;
int                     swingCount;
int                     PSH, PSL, SH, SL, SClast, PrevSH, PrevSL;
bool                    havePSH  = false;
int                     SC       = 0;

//extern color  swing_colour    = Blue;
extern int swing_count          = 5;
int init() {

        IndicatorBuffers        (1);
        SetIndexBuffer          (0,swings);
        SetIndexStyle           (0,DRAW_LINE,STYLE_SOLID,2,indicator_color1);
        //SetIndexDrawBegin     (0,0);
        SetIndexLabel           (0,"Swing Indicator");
        LstCndl    = Time[0];
        swingCount = swing_count-1;
        PSH        = ArraySize(High)-1;
        PSL        = ArraySize(Low )-1;
        SH         = ArraySize(High)-1;
        SL         = ArraySize(Low )-1;
        SClast     = ArraySize(Low )-1;
        PrevSH     = ArraySize(High)-1;
        PrevSL     = ArraySize(Low )-1;

int deinit() {
int start() {

        int     counted_bars  = IndicatorCounted();
        //if            (counted_bars<0)        {return(-1);}
        if              (counted_bars==0)       {counted_bars = 1;}
        int     uncountedbars = Bars-counted_bars;
        if      (newCandle())           {increment();}
        for(int i=(uncountedbars-1);i>0;i--) {
                int temp = runSwingType1(i);
                switch (temp) {
                        case (2) : swings[SH] = High[SH]; break;
                        case (-2): swings[SL] = Low[SL]; break;
                        default  : swings[i]  = EMPTY_VALUE;
bool newCandle() {

   if(Time[0] != LstCndl) {LstCndl = Time[0]; return (true);}
   return (false);
void increment() {PSH++;PSL++;SH++;SL++;SClast++;PrevSH++;PrevSL++;}
Cheers for the tip. I see no values in my indicator. Can you look at the code and tell me if you see anything wrong? I am keeping the indexes of the key values in the (PSH,PSL,SH,SL,SClast,PrevSH,PrevSL) variables. I'm changing them each time the buffer shifts them upwards. The runSwingType1() function returns 2 for a qualified SwingHigh and a -2 for a qualified SwingLow.
50094689: The runSwingType1() function returns 2 for a qualified SwingHigh and a -2 for a qualified SwingLow.
        SetIndexStyle           (0,DRAW_LINE,STYLE_SOLID,2,indicator_color1);
I am keeping the indexes of the key values in the (PSH,PSL,SH,SL,SClast,PrevSH,PrevSL)
  1. You are drawing a line. Unless you set consecutive bars non-empty, you won't see anything (zero length line.) Change it to an arrow and you'll see where you setting values. Set it to section to connect the dots.
  2. So if you have 1000 bars, all you are looking at is the left most one and when a new bar comes in you shift one - no wonder you see nothing. Drop those variable entirely. You test bar[i] for your condition and set swings[i] not swings[sh]. Indicators do not require a newCandle, just compute bar[i]
  3.         int     counted_bars  = IndicatorCounted();
            //if            (counted_bars<0)        {return(-1);}
            if              (counted_bars==0)       {counted_bars = 1;}
            int     uncountedbars = Bars-counted_bars;
            if      (newCandle())           {increment();}
            for(int i=(uncountedbars-1);i>0;i--) {
    Contradictory information on IndicatorCounted() - MQL4 forum Initially counted is zero, you make it one so uncounted is the first bar on the chart. You then skip it with (uncounted-1). Do it properly
            int     counted_bars  = IndicatorCounted();
            if(counted_bars < LOOKBACK) counted_bars = LOOKBACK; // MA(x) has lookback of x
                                                                 // Don't look past end of chart.
            for(int i=Bars - 1 - counted_bars; i>=0; i--) {      // >=0 to look at current bar


Disregard my previous comment.

1. I changed it to section.

2. Can you explain this point again. Also bare in mind that I have to examine bars ahead to set a previous candle as a Swing High. There is no way to know if the bar I am examining will be a SwingHigh/Low. That's why I am storing the index of the bars who are PotentialSwingHighs/Lows and then draw them when they qualify. I guess I'm not thinking in mql4 terms, that's what I need help with.

3. I'm reading into this now. (EDIT: I am setting counted_bars to 1 the first time the indicator runs so that bar[0] is not compared with bar[0]. There is no point to it really, just skipping one iteration.)


Disregard my previous comment.

1. I changed it to section.

2. Can you explain this point again. Also bare in mind that I have to examine bars ahead to set a previous candle as a Swing High. There is no way to know if the bar I am examining will be a SwingHigh/Low. That's why I am storing the index of the bars who are PotentialSwingHighs/Lows and then draw them when they qualify. I guess I'm not thinking in mql4 terms, that's what I need help with.

3. I'm reading into this now.

  1. Then you just delete it.
  2. You didn't post your code so there's no way for us to know what you did or how you defined a SH. perhaps:
    #define LOOKBACK 20
    int     counted_bars  = IndicatorCounted();
    if(counted_bars < LOOKBACK) counted_bars = LOOKBACK; // MA(x) has lookback of x
                                                         // Don't look past end of chart.
    for(int i=Bars - 1 - counted_bars; i>=0; i--) {      // ALL Bars.
       for(int iBar = i + LOOKBACK; iBar >= i; iBar--) swings[iBar] = EMPTY_VALUE; // Clear invalid swings.
       int iHH = iHighest(NULL,0, MODE_HIGH, LOOKBACK + 1, i),                     // Find current swing.
           iLL =  iLowest(NULL,0, MODE_LOW,  LOOKBACK + 1, i);
       swings[iHH] = High[iHH];                                                    // Display it.
       swings[iLL] =  Low[iLL];

I posted all my code. PSH, PSL, SH, SL, SClast, PrevSH, PrevSL are all ints representing the index of PotentialSwingHigh/Low, SwingHigh/Low, LastSwingCount and PreviousSwingHigh/Low