copy profiles

How can J save a profile, so as to be it used in another platform MT4? Actually J can't see any chart in "Profiles" folder at program files.
Just copy the profile from the profile folder of one MT4 platform's folders to the profile folder of the other MT4 platform

Like j wrote, there is no any chart in that folder without 'order.wnd', so when j copy that into another MT4 and want to open my profile, nothing appears.

How can J save a profile, so as to be it used in another platform MT4? Actually J can't see any chart in "Profiles" folder at program files.
Don't install in Program Files . . . you will have UAC issues, your files will be saved in the Virtual store . . . use google and learn.
Can you give me more instructions?
Can you give me more instructions?
Is the Forum search broken ? is Google broken ? this subject has been discussed many, many, many times . . .

Like j wrote, there is no any chart in that folder without 'order.wnd', so when j copy that into another MT4 and want to open my profile, nothing appears.

Are you trying to copy the profiles or the individual charts that make up the profile?
Also note that if the platforms have different suffixes for the Symbol, you will not be able to copy the profiles
J' ve copied every thing, all settings, even my analysis, RaptorUk you are very helpfull. Thanks alot.
J' ve copied every thing, all settings, even my analysis, RaptorUk you are very helpfull. Thanks alot.
Glad to hear you got it sorted