How to delete OBJ_TEXT by int deinit() ?

int start()




ObjectCreate ("Point"+Time[i],OBJ_TEXT,0,Time[i],Close[i]);

ObjectSet("Point"+Time[i], OBJPROP_TIMEFRAMES, OBJ_PERIOD_H4);

ObjectSetText("Point"+Time[i],"Cross"+Close[i], 10, "Times New Roman", White);



int deinit()


ObjectsDeleteAll(0,OBJ_TEXT); // It will delete all OBJ_TEXT include another indicators too.



How to delete only OBJ_TEXT "Point"+Time[i] name ?

Thank you

int deinit()
int counted_bars1=IndicatorCounted();
int limit1;
if (counted_bars1>0) counted_bars1--;
if(limit1>100) limit1=100;
for (int ii=0;ii<limit1;ii++) {ObjectDelete("Point"+Time[ii]);}


Nothing happen.

// global Variable for all Obj of this Indicator or EA: ObjectCreate(idObj+"..", ..);
string idObj = "Point";
int deinit()
        string sID; 
        int t = ObjectsTotal(); // or ObjectsTotal(OBJ_TEXT);
        while (t>0) {
                sID = ObjectName(i);
                if ( StringFind( sID, idObj ) != -1 ) {
                        ObjectDelete( sID );

Thank you.

But not work.

Because my object text name follow by time[i].


How to delete only OBJ_TEXT "Point"+Time[i] name ?

Thank you

You have been asked before . . .

Please edit your post . . . please use the SRC button to post code: How to use the SRC button.


Thank you.

But not work.

Because my object text name follow by time[i].
Loop through all the Objects, if they are of type OBJ_TEXT and the name contains "Point" delete . . .
Loop through all the Objects, if they are of type OBJ_TEXT and the name contains "Point" delete . . .

StringSubstr( string text, int start, int length=0)
#define ONDA_BEGINS     0
#define ONDA_CONTAINS   1
void ObjectNameDeleteAll(string name, int where=ONDA_BEGINS, int type=EMPTY){
   for(int iObj=ObjectsTotal()-1; iObj >= 0; iObj--){
      string   on = ObjectName(iObj);
      if(type != EMPTY) if( type != ObjectType(on) )  continue;
      if(name != ""){
         int   iPos  = StringFind(on, name);
         if (iPos < 0)                             continue;
         if (iPos > 0 && where == ONDA_BEGINS)     continue;
int deinit(){
   ObjectNameDeleteAll("Point", ONDA_BEGINS, OBJ_TEXT);

Do you really think that the OP will be able to understand that?
This forum is about coding. He should, especially when I gave him the call.