MOST IMPORTANT HELP(reply who really wants to give code; others dont comment ) - page 2


If u are a really professional educator just think of yourself. how much information that i have shared just asking the code. don't you think in that positive angle. i am not happy person here. just because of me and your coding lot of people will felt happy. do u know about my concept what i have asked? it is not for me but to help others also. dont teach me the lessons when u are not perfect how to behave with others is first thing. even know i am not angry or upset. so i feel always standard of our living is not important; living a life with correct standards is important. what u get is not yours and what u share is not your thoughts. just feel it everything is coming from god and provided a good platform to share the things. Then u dont feel any negative things on others. everyone have their own character and no one will play other's character. may i am the one who in this world. i too have my own character . thats why this is action. First get what is my important role that no one can do and submit to me i will do it for you without thinking any thing if i know it. just in that way u have to think to become happy in life.

Is all that supposed to actually mean something? Other than that you're still trying to badger some into to doing your work for you and trying to use head games to accomplish that? Clearly, English is not your native language - no problem on that point but you could learn to formulate your thoughts in such a manner that people can understand what you're trying to get at. BTW, in every forum in which I've ever participated posting protocol dictates actually typing words - not using texting conventions like u instead of you.
Is all that supposed to actually mean something? Other than that you're still trying to badger some into to doing your work for you and trying to use head games to accomplish that? Clearly, English is not your native language - no problem on that point but you could learn to formulate your thoughts in such a manner that people can understand what you're trying to get at. BTW, in every forum in which I've ever participated posting protocol dictates actually typing words - not using texting conventions like u instead of you.

Just leave it. i mentioned already in the subject that comments are welcome who really wants to give code. even its ok that u are not giving the code instead of saying do bla..... . Now i came to one conclustion just writet code if really know it. ask if u have any doubt on my condtion. Then i will tell u what is important of that. If u dont need it just leave it. I am not playing head games. u only making un necessary comments leaving the thread unuse for people who can give the code. dont think all peoples are thinking your way. Just do it for me if u can. Spend the time what is problem when u are genius. ok just do it. may be it is not a big problem for u people . if u can u can. jst do it.

Just leave it. i mentioned already in the subject that comments are welcome who really wants to give code. even its ok that u are not giving the code instead of saying do bla..... . Now i came to one conclustion just writet code if really know it. ask if u have any doubt on my condtion. Then i will tell u what is important of that. If u dont need it just leave it. I am not playing head games. u only making un necessary comments leaving the thread unuse for people who can give the code. dont think all peoples are thinking your way. Just do it for me if u can. Spend the time what is problem when u are genius. ok just do it. may be it is not a big problem for u people . if u can u can. jst do it.

You cannot dictate who can post to this thread,, it's a public Forum, it's not your thread.

How does your indicator work if there have been no trades yet ? can you define Outside Bar and Inside Bar ? the middle green bar looks like an outside bar to me . . . can you please give a full specification ?


You cannot dictate who can post to this thread,, it's a public Forum, it's not your thread.

How does your indicator work if there have been no trades yet ? can you define Outside Bar and Inside Bar ? the middle green bar looks like an outside bar to me . . . can you please give a full specification ?

RaptorUk: Thank for your interest showing on me.


Just leave it. i mentioned already in the subject that comments are welcome who really wants to give code. even its ok that u are not giving the code instead of saying do bla..... . Now i came to one conclustion just writet code if really know it. ask if u have any doubt on my condtion. Then i will tell u what is important of that. If u dont need it just leave it. I am not playing head games. u only making un necessary comments leaving the thread unuse for people who can give the code. dont think all peoples are thinking your way. Just do it for me if u can. Spend the time what is problem when u are genius. ok just do it. may be it is not a big problem for u people . if u can u can. jst do it.

You've been told about a dozen times already that if you bother to make your own attempt, that people will help you if you get stuck but nobody is going to do it for you unless you're willing to pay for it. all the badgering in the world isn't going to change that. If you really want to do something for yourself, here is a link to some of video lessons that might be helpful. I haven't had the chance to go through them myself but I plane to when I get a Spare minute or two.

MQL Video Lessons

With that, I'm done with this discussion. Trying to get you to see reason is like trying to teach calculus to a toaster - pointless. I hope you'll do yourself the favor of looking these over. Whatever you decide, good luck to you.

I really had a laugh here. Lol.
I really had a laugh here. Lol.

Yeah, I'll bet you did. :-) Damn, I'm a bad typist. I just looked at my last post and could have kicked myself in the ass for all the typos I let slide by. Says worlds for proofreading before you post, no?

Just leave it. i mentioned already in the subject that comments are welcome who really wants to give code. even its ok that u are not giving the code instead of saying do bla..... . Now i came to one conclustion just writet code if really know it. ask if u have any doubt on my condtion. Then i will tell u what is important of that. If u dont need it just leave it. I am not playing head games. u only making un necessary comments leaving the thread unuse for people who can give the code. dont think all peoples are thinking your way. Just do it for me if u can. Spend the time what is problem when u are genius. ok just do it. may be it is not a big problem for u people . if u can u can. jst do it.

You want someone to write your trading system for you, based upon your suggested strategy, which you haven't bothered to actually provide the full details and project specifications for, Of which you are going to be using for your own financial gain. You just want someone to do all the hard work for you for free, and you don't even have the courtesy to at least offer a minimal amount of compensation for it.

Basically you want to exploit our programming skills, and basically demand that we put in possibly hundreds of hours into a project for you, which you are completely unwilling to even attempt to do any of the work for it on your own. And yet you don't think that's unreasonable?

I have well over 30 years of programming experience, and that experience wasn't without cost. Not all costs are financial, but think about what you are asking ok?

If you want help with this project, you should at least attempt to do some of the work, and not expect that other people are somehow obligated to do the work for you.

Your expectations that people should somehow be required to do this work for you, is completely unreasonable.

If you want the project done, at least try to do it on your own first, and then if you have a problem with your code, present your code for review, and we might feel a little more willing to help you.

With that said, here are some very useful links that will help get you started.

MQL Documentation:

MQL Book: Programming in Algorithmic Language MQL4



iOpen is used to get the open price of a candle.

iClose is used to get the close price of a candle.